Establishment of Research Centres

Research Centre for Carbon-Strategic Catalysis
Centre Director: Dr Huang Bolong, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
Established in June 2022, the Centre aims to offer a comprehensive platform to achieve more impactful outputs on the advanced catalyst design and synthesis for sustainable energy development strategies, and to provide significant contribution to achieving carbon neutrality in the long run.
中心主任: 應用生物及化學科技學系黃勃龍博士
成立於 2022年6月,碳戰略催化研究中心旨在提供一個平台,於可持續能源發展方面帶來更先進及具影響力的研究成果,並致力為實現碳中和作出重大貢獻。

Research Centre for Quantitative Finance
Centre Director: Prof. Dai Min, Department of Applied Mathematics
The Centre aims to foster research, education, and academia-industry collaborations in the field of quantitative finance, by bringing together experts from relevant fields including finance, mathematics, statistics, and data science at PolyU.
中心主任: 應用數學系戴民講座教授