Interviews with Faculty Researchers

Towards Next-generation Electronic Devices
– Interview with Dr Zhao Jiong
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics
Awardee of the Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement 2022 – Research and Scholarly Activities: Outstanding Young Researcher
Ferroelectric thin films have garnered significant attention in various fields due to their exceptional properties, including their robust spontaneous electric polarization and strong coupling with optical, electric, and magnetic fields. These films are commonly used as memory storage units for information in electronic devices, and developing a stable ferroelectric thin film that can enhance electronic device performance is of utmost importance.
The research of Dr Zhao Jiong, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Physics, aims to develop a new phase-controllable two-dimensional ferroelectric thin film suitable for next-generation memory and computational devices. Using a chemical-based deposition method, his team synthesized a two-dimensional ferroelectric thin film in the beta phase and adjusted the indium ratios and other elements within the film in the beta prime phase. By doing this, they were able to create a ferroelectric thin film that exhibits ferroelectricity in the alpha phase, which is a significant breakthrough in material science. It allows a single material to display three different electric properties by controlling the three phases of ferroelectric thin films. This is the first time that a material has been able to exhibit three different electric properties and introduce ferroelectricity in a single film. This development is an important advancement in the field and can pave the way for the creation of new electronic devices with improved performance and functionality.
In addition, these ferroelectric thin films have the potential to revolutionize memory storage and computational devices due to their excellent electrical conductivity and long-term information retention capabilities. They are also a cost-effective and practical solution, as they are compatible with existing synthesis methods and can be integrated into various electronic devices.
With continued research and development, ferroelectric thin films could play a crucial role in addressing critical societal issues. The development of more electronic devices using these films and the aim of the new World-Class Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) facility installed in PolyU will aid in identifying key issues and solving critical problems related to materials science and broader societal issues such as carbon neutrality, energy crisis, post-Moore’s law era electronics, and quantum technology.
– 趙炯博士專訪
2022年學院特設傑出成就獎 – 研究及學術活動(傑出青年研究員)得獎者