Research Achievements

“Superpowers of an Ordinary Person” - Prof. Raymond Wong featured on RTHK TV programme “Our Scientists”
On 21 January, Prof. Raymond Wong, Dean of Faculty of Science, was featured on the 5th episode of the RTHK TV programme “Our Scientists” to share his aspirations, research ideas and achievements. In the programme, he reminisced about his youth and childhood, and how HKU, his secondary schools and the place he lived before, helped foster the distinguished scientist he has become today. The programme also featured interviews with Prof. Teng Jin-guang, President of PolyU, Prof. Wong Wing-tak, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, and Prof. Rick Wong, Interim Provost of HKBU, to showcase their lifelong friendships.
The eight-episode documentary “Our Scientists” brings audience to the exciting world of science by interviewing a number of outstanding scientists, and to understand their intellectual and continuous pursuit of scientific exploration and knowledge.

PolyU Scholar Using Data Science to Resolve the Enigma of Amazonian cities
Dr He Daihai of the Department of Applied Mathematics has recently published a research paper in one of the world’s most-cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific journals, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The article titled “Resolving the enigma of Iquitos and Manaus: A modelling analysis of multiple COVID-19 epidemic waves in two Amazonian cities”.
應用數學系何岱海博士最近於全球被引用次數最多的綜合性多學科學術期刊之一的美國國家科學院院刊 (PNAS)上,發表了一篇有關新冠病毒的研究報告。報告標題為「解開伊基托斯和馬瑙斯之謎:針對亞馬遜兩個城市多輪新冠疫情的建模分析」。