Students' Sharing - AP

Students' Sharing
Ong Chin Yuan 王靖元
Awardee of Outstanding Student Award of Faculty 2022
2022年卓越學生獎 – 學院得獎者
- BSc (Hons) in Engineering Physics
My experience studying Physics at PolyU was exceptional. The programme offered me various opportunities to explore both theory and experimental conclusions. Having access to one of the most advanced laboratories in Hong Kong owned by the Department has allowed us to investigate and gather scientific knowledge at the forefront of science.
Whenever I encountered difficulties in understanding the theories, the lecturers were always there to guide us to the answers. Furthermore, as I have always had a strong interest in research, I had the opportunities to work with Dr Lam Chi-hang, Associate Professor of the Department who is an expert in glass transition theory, during my sophomore year.
Outside of the curriculum, I was allowed to participate in the summer Oxbridge program where I gained learning experience from a world-class institution and made a lot of friends from all around the world. This opportunity would not have been possible without the generous funding provided by PolyU.