Students' Sharing - FSN

Students' Sharing
Li Weipeng, William 李偉鵬
- BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology
One of the most fulfilling experiences I had during my university life was participating in an exchange program. Despite the pandemic, the Department provided opportunities for students to study abroad, and I was fortunate to have spent a semester at the University of Maryland, College Park in the United States. During my exchange, I acquired knowledge about food analytical techniques, foodborne microorganisms, and detection techniques and improved my laboratory skills. In addition, I had the opportunity to participate in Maryland Info Day, which has enriched my academic knowledge and exposed myself to different cultures. Besides, the Department also offers opportunities for undergraduates to participate in research projects, which have allowed me to conduct experiments about the influence of mushroom polysaccharides on the growth of Bifidobacterium species for my Final Year Project. Although my 4-year study at PolyU might not always be smooth, it was a journey of self-discovery, and I am glad to say it was all worthy.