Teachers' Sharing

To look back in time, to see how human civilization first became interested in mathematics and other science disciplines.

Dr Lee Heung-wing, Joseph
Associate Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics
Awardee of the Faculty Award for Outstanding
Achievement 2022 – Teaching Team Award
2022年學院特設傑出成就獎 –

Old School, New School, at PolyU
Teaching at PolyU has always been challenging. For some reasons, the subjects our undergraduate students are taking aren’t necessarily their first choice. It could be part of a package bundled with their bachelor’s degree programme. For example, students majoring in one science discipline are required to take mandatory mathematics courses. Though learning mathematics and statistics skills is important for their research and academic development, some may not find it as enjoyable r engaging as their preferred subjects. While some students might be enthusiastic, they may feel “haunted” by a few predominating factors that have yet to be resolved. For example:
1. There is a lack of the traditional mathematics ambiance in secondary school (as evidenced by the decreasing percentages of students taking M1 or M2, and the syllabus of HKDSE Maths/M1/M2 has been reduced compared to that of the previous curriculums like HKCEE Maths and A-Maths, as well as HKAL Pure-Math). While it may be possible to teach students at the tertiary level, the mentality of refusing to understand deeper mathematics or lacking the perseverance to learn harder concepts has been harmful.
2. We also have to face the problem that students are indoctrinated with the habit of exam-oriented drilling of maths exercises, which can hinder their ability to appreciate the beauty of mathematics at their younger age. Despite getting high exam score, many lack the interest in exploring the significance of mathematics, and its rich cultural achievements throughout human history.
To tackle this phenomenon, lecturers are trying very hard to make their lectures and tutorials more interesting within the limits of the syllabus. Some adopt modern gadgets with trendy high-tech tools to teach, while some attempt to build an approachable and friendly relationship with students to let them have a positive image towards maths.
As we are all aware, undergraduate curriculum particularly focuses on teaching basic and fundamental concepts and skills, and more advanced research only when getting into research school. To inspire student interest in these subjects at the undergraduate level, lecturers usually recall their first passion that sparkled for the subjects years ago, in an attempt to reignite the passion of students by sharing their personal experience.
Nevertheless, I have a bolder suggestion. On the one hand, with the old school approach, to look back in time, to see how human civilization first became interested in mathematics and other science disciplines, as history gives us a better understanding of the logic behind some practices and the reason they change over time. And knowing all the history gives students a strong foothold to move forward. If STEM is an arrow pointing towards a target future, then knowing where the arrow starts and how history forms its natural direction is far more important than just focusing on the advanced achievements at the target end.
On the other hand, with the new school approach, I strongly encourage the incorporation of cloud computing mathematics software in teaching, such as using of CoCalc, as they can reduce the amount of monotonous work involved in mathematics teaching, and free up more time for students to confirm their graph sketching and the partial fraction expansions, or practice mathematical thinking, with just a click.
1. 由中學時期已經欠缺學習數學應有的傳統風氣(可見於選修M1或M2的學生比例下降,而HKDSE數學/M1/M2的課程相比以往HKCEE數學、附加數學,以及高考純數科的課程亦有所縮減 )。雖然在高等學院可以彌補當中部份所失,但學生不再熱衷於理解更深奧的數學或學習更深入的概念,這種風氣顯然難以挽救其中。
2. 我們不得不承認,我們的學生已經被灌輸為應付考試而不停操練數學題的觀念,而這種風氣的確會令他們從小開始就對學習數學失去耐性。雖然操練或可達至不錯的考試成績,但很多學生已經對探索數學的意義以及了解數學對整個人類文化發展的貢獻失去了興趣。
Received a postcard from a graduate who went on to pursue further studies.
Taking students on a field trip to the Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower and using techniques from the Ancient Text “The Sea Island Mathematical Manual” to estimate its height.