Establishment of New Research Centres

Research Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Centre Director: Prof. Hao Jianhua, Chair Professor of AP
Nanoscience is the study and manipulation of matter at the nanoscale, while nanotechnology is the application of nanoscience to various products. The Centre will collaborate with the University of Waterloo to serve as a platform for interdisciplinary research to address societal challenges, aiming to advance fundamental knowledge of nano research, initiate collaborative research activities for cutting-edge applications, and promote knowledge transfer.
中心主任: 應用物理學系郝建華講座教授
納米科學是在納米尺度上對物質的研究和操縱,而納米技術則是納米科學在各種產品上的應用。納米科技研究中心是一個跨學科研究的平臺,以應對社會挑戰, 其目標是提高納米研究的基礎知識認識,開展前沿應用的合作研究,並促進知識轉移。

Research Centre for the Mathematical Foundations of Generative AI (CMFAI)
Centre Director: Prof. Jian Huang, Chair Professor of AMA
Generative AI, a branch of artificial intelligence, focuses on creating new content using models and algorithms that learn from large amounts of data based on statistical principles. CMFAI aims to advance the mathematical foundations and applications of generative AI.
中心主任: 應用數學系黃堅講座教授