FSN Grand Opening Ceremony

FSN Grand Opening Ceremony
Our new constituent department, Department of Food Science and Nutrition (FSN), hosted its grand opening dinner banquet at Hotel ICON on 14 July. The dinner marked the official inauguration of FSN and was attended by distinguished guests from the Government, industries, and PolyU staff, students and alumni.
The establishment of FSN signifies our commitment to advancing knowledge and research development in food science and nutrition. Prof. Chen Sheng, Head of FSN, said, “We believe that the challenges we face in this field are multifaceted and require an interdisciplinary approach to tackle. That’s why our Department brings together scientists, nutritionists, engineers, and social scientists so that people with expertise in different areas can complement each other and work towards the common goal of improving human health.”
FSN will serve as a hub for talent and innovations to make positive impacts, train professional talents, conduct innovative research, and facilitate knowledge transfer for the betterment of public health and the well-being of mankind.
理學院轄下的新學系 — 食品科學及營養學系 (FSN) 於7月14 日在唯港薈酒店舉行了盛大的開幕典禮和晚宴。 晚宴標誌著FSN的正式成立,出席嘉賓包括政府官員、業界夥伴,以及理大一眾師生校友。
FSN 的成立表明著我們致力推動食品科學和營養領域的知識和研究的發展。系主任陳聲教授表示:「我們將面臨多方面的挑戰,並需要跨學科的合作來應對。因此,學系集結了科學家、營養學家、工程師和社會科學家,讓不同領域的專家互相補足,共同致力於改善人類健康。」
FSN 在未來將發展為人才和科研樞紐,為社會帶來正面的影響、培育專業人才、帶領創新研究以及促進知識轉移,從而改善公共衛生和為人類謀福祉。