Faculty Retreat

Faculty Retreat
The Retreat of the Faculty of Science was held on 9 August with the aim of facilitating the exchange of views on the strategic plans and development of the Faculty with reference to the Key Performance Indicators of the University. Faculty members were divided into groups to discuss important issues on teaching and learning, research and knowledge transfer. Participants contributed their unique perspectives and valuable insights to making this retreat inspiring, fruitful and rewarding.
理學院於8 月9 日舉行退修日,旨在集思廣益並參照大學的關鍵績效指標,就學院的各項計劃和發展策略交流意見。學院成員按著教學、研究和知識轉移等重要議題進行分組討論。每一位參與者都積極參與討論及分享他們寶貴的觀點和意見,令這次退修日充滿啟發性、豐富且圓滿。