Interviews with Faculty Researchers

Density-dependent Dispersal: Analysis and Applications
– Interview with Prof. Wang Zhian
Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics
Prof. Wang Zhian’s mathematical research on density-dependent dispersal offers novel insights into the dynamics of species movement, presenting a significant deviation from traditional random diffusion models. His work primarily explores how dispersal is influenced by the density of other species, a phenomenon observed across biological systems.
Conventional random diffusion models, which depict movement as an undirected, scattered process, often has a limitation to account for the interactions and directional flows commonly seen in nature. In contrast, density-dependent dispersal introduces a more complex layer, incorporating both random movement and convective, or directed motion. Prof. Wang emphasizes that convective movement involves organisms responding to external signals or environmental factors, which drives them toward or away from particular regions. This is especially relevant in scenarios where species move in response to specific attractants or repellents, contributing to aggregation or segregation patterns.
One of his key innovations is the study of cross-diffusion structures, where the movement of one species is influenced by the density of another. This concept plays a critical role in understanding the interactions between species, such as predator-prey dynamics or microbial competition. Cross-diffusion results in more organized and sometimes extreme outcomes, such as the clustering of populations or their segregation into distinct ecological niches. In natural settings, examples like animals flocking towards food sources or repelling due to threats are instances of these density-driven dispersal mechanisms.
Importantly, Prof. Wang’s work transcends traditional statistical research and empirical data collection. By constructing and analysing reaction-diffusion models with density-dependent dispersal, he identifies key factors that drive distinct outcomes, emphasizing the global dynamics of these systems. This analytical approach enhances our understanding of how species interactions shape movement patterns over time. In addition, to make his findings more accessible to the general public, Prof. Wang employs graphical representations and numerical simulations to effectively demonstrate how his mathematical results align with observable phenomena from experiments.
His research has practical implications in fields such as ecology, microbiology and epidemic modelling, shedding light on how population waves propagate through environments and influence species interactions. While the mathematical framework for analysing density-dependent processes is still evolving, it provides essential tools for a deeper understanding of our biological world.
– 王治安教授專訪