Knowledge Transfer

- Chemical Analysis of Fish Pond Water
- Efficacy of Antimicrobial Activity
- Ozone Sanitizer Functional Study
- Investigation of Hydrogen Generation by Burner System
- Evaluation of Efficiency for Water Purifier System
- Performance Verification of Water Body Fat Monitor
- Testing of Environmental Samples
- Periphyton Study
- Biodegradation of Synthetic Polymers and Natural Products
- Air Purification Study
- Asymmetric Catalysis Study
- Corrosion Resistance Study
Please put at least one valid content allocate to this component.
- Overall Study on Reviewing the Progress and Evaluating the Information Technology in Education (ITEd) Projects 1998/2003
- Study on Planning of Public Transport Services and Facilities at Boundary Control Points
- Consultancy Proposal on Statistical Analysis for the Coverage Service by Galaxy Satellite Broadcasting Limited via Direct-To-Home (DTH) System
- Provision of Private Housing Recurrent Survey 2004
- Provision of Survey on HA Waiting List Applicants 2004
- Provision of Customer Satisfaction on FEHD Public Toilets 2004
- Survey on Propensity to Use Private Cars to Cross the Boundary 2005
- Retail Positioning Survey for Development Above/Adjacent to KCRC New Railway Projects 2005
- Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA) Study in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

- Analysis of Stainless Steel by X-ray Scanning Method
- Characterization of Anti-reflecting Coating
- Characterization of BST for Microwave Applications
- Characterization of Epoxy Compounds for Microelectronic Packaging
- Composition Analysis of Submitted Samples Using SEM
- Design and Development of LED Light Bulbs
- Detection of Halogens in Low Voltage Power Cables
- Development of Ball Crater Machine for the Measurements of Thin Film Thickness
- Far infra-red Measurement of 4 Massager Samples Provided by the Client
- Hardness Measurement on Mineral Watch Glass Surfaces
- High-frequency Dielectric Properties of Laminated Samples
- In-frared Spectra of Ceramic Coated Hot-plates
- In-frared Spectra of Painted Heaters
- Investigation of Metallization for LED Packaging
- Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Induction Cookware Materials
- Magnetic Drawing Board Testing
- Material Investigation for Shape Memory Alloy Fibers
- Optical Microscopy of Clipped Wire Heads
- Polariscopic Setup for Stress Viewing of Plastic Parts
- Polymer Identification
- Sample Processing
- Testing of Carbon Brush Sample
- UV and IR Measurement for Welding Filters
- UV and IR Measurement for Welding Lens

- Water Activity in Food Products
- Sterilization Study of Bird's Nest
- Nutrition Consultancy
- Herbal Medicine
- Food Bacteria Investigation
- Effect of Magnetized Water on Fish Survival and on Plant Growth
- DNA Fingerprint of Sea Cucumber and Scallop