Research Excellence

“Borderless Lab 365” - the new way of STEM learning in the future
Borderless Lab 365, a web-based laboratory platform to share remote lab resources that were built years ago with students from PolyU and secondary schools, has been deemed as the solution to the insufficiency of lab resources as well as to raise interest among STEM students in Hong Kong.
Originally developed and further enhanced by Dr Mak Chee Leung, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Physics and his team last year to deliver a higher compatibility of conducting a wider range of disciplinary experiments, the platform was funded by the Quality Education Fund to allow students to access and remote-control numerous lab instruments through micro-controllers and sensors, and download realtime data for experiment results.
The mechanism requires teachers and professors to first design the process of experiments on the system before students making appointments and using any of the lab devices - to study on topics like interference phenomenon, visible spectrum and greenhouse gases, covering fields related to physics, chemistry and biology. Teachers can also prepare online assignments for students.
To let more students to enjoy a STEM life, Borderless Lab 365 even allows users to access to designated devices through smart phones, and do simple experiments such as measuring the velocity of sound wave, temperature and the level of CO2 of the surroundings, by making use of the sensors on the phone.
While approached by the Hong Kong Education Bureau to raise interest and motivation among high school students by incorporating the remote lab platform into part of the syllabus in secondary schools, the seamless feature of the lab plays an important role in helping students to do experiments during the pandemic, and allows them to complete their SBA projects at home. In the long run, Dr Mak hopes to further empower the lab by introducing VR and AR technologies to future experiments.
There are now 20 schools and over 2,000 student users using the system.
「全天候科學實驗室」- 為教育界注入STEM新教學方法