Research Excellence

Gut Microbiota for Human Health
The microbial consortium in the gut is considered as a "forgotten organ" as emerging evidence has implied its important role in human health. Microbial interactions in the gut are mediated by dietary substrates, understanding the factors that guide microbiome development and composition is important to determine its role in health and in the intervention of the gut microbiome as a therapeutic tool.
Dr Chiou Jiachi, Amber, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, has been working on gut microbes, particularly the beneficial microorganisms, to find out their potential roles on metabolic syndromes and infant health.
Experiments are conducted on animals with metabolic syndrome, including essential hypertension and diet-induced hypertension. Robust dynamic relations have been found between the bacteria and metabolic response, suggesting that alterations in microbial composition, abundance, and activities in the gut were mainly explained by metabolic interactions.
Besides, mother-infant cohorts have been recruited to explore the potential roles of breastfeeding and selection of formula supplemented with probiotics and/or prebiotics on the development of the infant gut microbiome. Dr Chiou's experiments also include studying the impact of early life nutrition on the development of the infant gut microbiome.
As a result, anti-inflammatory effects were found suggesting that the re-balancing of microbial groups in human's gastrointestinal tract can lead to the treatment or improvement of metabolic syndrome while the high abundance of immune-modulating bacteria in the gut may help with the immune system development of infants.
Though it is still in progress, her study helps us to understand more on how microbial consortium is vital in human health including immune response, metabolic development, and neurological homeostasis. Her findings will also contribute to the solution of some metabolic diseases such as hypertension or even obesity.