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Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2024

29 Jul 2024

Congratulations to the awardees of the Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2024. Their unwavering dedication to excellence in teaching, research and scholarly, and knowledge transfer activities has been truly remarkable.  The award recipients are as follows:

Individual Awards

Category Awardees

Teaching: Outstanding Teacher

Dr LAM Kim Hung, Lecturer (ABCT)

Teaching: Outstanding Young Teacher Dr GENG Ping, Lecturer (FSN)
Research and Scholarly Activities: Outstanding Researcher Prof. YAO Zhongping, Professor (ABCT)
Research and Scholarly Activities: Outstanding Young Researcher Dr Kathy LENG, Assistant Professor (AP)
Knowledge Transfer: Society Dr MA Cong, Associate Professor (ABCT)
Knowledge Transfer: Industry   Dr CHUA Songlin, Assistant Professor (ABCT)

Team Awards

Category Awardees
Teaching Dr JIM Kwok Lung, Lecturer (AP)
Dr CHOY Siu Hong, Lecturer (AP)
Dr LEUNG Chi Wah, Associate Professor (AP)
Prof. TSANG Yuen Hong, Professor (AP)
Dr MAK Chee Leung, Senior Project Fellow (AP)

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