‘ECF Exploring WILD Lantau’ is an event organized by the Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong, aiming to raise public awareness over Lantau’s nature conservation. Campus Sustainability Office was delighted to be one of its supporting organizations, and helped in promoting and supporting the sharing session of ‘Impression of Natural Lantau’.
ECF Exploring Wild Lantau consists of four parts: (1) Intergeneration Lantau Ecology Training, (2) ‘Discover the Unknown Lantau Activity Day’ for primary and secondary school students, (3) ‘Impression of Natural Lantau’ Video Competition, Sharing Sessions and Workshops, and (4) Result release of ECF Exploring Wild Lantau and prize giving ceremony of the video competition.
In the workshops on PolyU campus, wildlife documentary directors Mr. Joseph Hung and the director of Breathing Room Miss Daphne shared their views and experience in nature photography with the audience. Their messages and stories inspired participants to learn to respect and conserve the natural environment.