Funded by the Recycling Fund of the HKSAR Government which aims to promote recovery and recycling of waste, PolyU has recently installed a small-scale automatic food waste collection system coupled with dewatering functionality at the catering facilities in the Communal Building. This food waste collection system, which is the first-ever in Hong Kong and East Asia, started running in Hong Kong in July 2019.
This food waste collection system means more than functionality and performance testing. We expect that it can replace manual collection practices in the long run and maximize food waste recycling by reducing the weight and volume of the collected food waste through the dewatering process. In turn, it will help reduce the collection and transportation costs to the food waste recycling facility. PolyU will closely monitor its operation and share its observations with the Recycling Fund Secretariat regularly. Our experience will help the Government to determine and promote a cost-effective food waste recycling practice for the local catering business, and further, relieve the pressure on landfills.