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Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 17 Mar 2021

17 Mar 2021


Dear Staff and Students,

We would like to share the following message on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from Department of Health about Updated Information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Vaccines.

Health, Safety and Environment Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

Updated Information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Vaccines

1. Government extends social distancing measures under Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance

The Government will maintain most of the existing requirements and restrictions applicable to catering business premises and scheduled premises, as well as the requirements for group gatherings and mask wearing for 14 days until March 31, 2021.

Catering business premises should comply with specified requirements on air change or air purifier(s) by April 30, 2021. The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has made appointments to the relevant Working Group, which will advise the Government on the smooth implementation of the above requirement.

For details, please refer to the press release and annexes:

2. Quarantine and isolation arrangement involving children

Quarantine and isolation measures achieve to safeguard the well-being of our community as a whole. Where children are involved, each and every decision by the Government is made in the interests of the children and their families:

  • Generally allows one of the parents or a caretaker arranged by the parents (who can be relatives, parents' adult friends or domestic helpers) to accompany their children to the quarantine centres (QCs) to take care of them.
  • Provides a wide range of items to cater for specific needs of children (including babies)
  • Consider placing the patients in the same Airborne Infection Isolation Room, subject to assessment of the patients' clinical condition.
  • Accommodate request of parents tested negative to accompany paediatric patients, subject to the availability of isolation capacities.

For details, please refer to:

3. Priority groups for vaccination

The Government decided to arrange priority COVID-19 vaccination for the groups below:
1.        Persons aged 30 years or above (a maximum of two carers who accompany elderly people aged 70 or above can also receive vaccination)
2.        Personnel in healthcare settings and those participating in anti-epidemic related work
3.        Residents and staff of residential care homes for the elderly / persons with disabilities and staff of Community Care Service units for the elderly / persons with disabilities
4.        Personnel maintaining critical public services
5.        Personnel providing cross-boundary transportation or working at control points and ports
6.        Staff of food and beverages premises, markets, supermarkets, convenience stores and couriers (including takeaway food delivery)
7.        Staff of local public transport service operators (e.g. taxi/bus/public light bus drivers, train captains and station staff)
8.        Registered construction workers and other resident site personnel
9.        Staff of property management (e.g. security guards, cleaning staff and property management office staff)
10.        Teachers and school staff (e.g. teaching and support staff of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and universities; staff of special schools; and drivers and escorts of school buses and school private light buses)
11.        Staff of the tourism industry
12.        Staff of scheduled premises under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) (e.g. staff of fitness centres and beauty parlours)
13.        Students studying outside Hong Kong (aged 16 years or above)
14.        Domestic helpers

For a person (whether or not he/she is aged 30 years or above) who belongs to a priority group, please indicate his/her profession when making online booking at the designated website or appointment with private clinics participating in the Vaccination Programme for statistical purpose.

For details, please refer to:

We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support.

Department of Health




1. 政府延續《預防及控制疾病條例》下的社交距離措施




2. 與兒童有關的檢疫及隔離安排


  • 一般容許一位家長或由家長安排的照顧者(可以是親屬、家長的成年朋友或家庭傭工)陪同入住檢疫中心以便照顧。
  • 提供一系列用品照顧兒童(包括嬰兒)檢疫期間的需要。
  • 就病人的臨床情況進行評估,考慮安排有關病人入住同一負壓隔離病房。
  • 即使家長並非確診者,在備有足夠隔離設施的情況下,按要求安排他們在醫院內陪伴確診子女。


3. 優先接種疫苗組別

1.        30 歲或以上人士(陪同70歲或以上長者接種疫苗的人士可以獲得接種,最多兩人)
2.        醫療服務場所工作人員及參與抗疫工作人員
3.        安老院/殘疾人士院舍院友及員工及長者/殘疾人士社區照顧服務單位員工
4.        維持必要公共服務的人員
5.        跨境運輸、口岸、港口工作人員
6.        餐飲業、街市、超市、便利店員工及速遞員(包括外賣食品速遞員)
7.        公共交通從業員(例如:的士/巴士/小巴司機、鐵路車長、車站職員)
8.        註冊建造業工人及其他常駐工地人員
9.        物業管理人員(例如:保安員、清潔人員、管理處職員)
10.        學校教職員(例如:幼稚園、中小學及大學教職員及支援人員;特殊學校職員;校車/保姆車司機及跟車保姆)
11.        旅遊業從業員
12.        《預防及控制疾病(規定及指示)(業務及處所)規例》(第599F章)的表列處所職員(例如:健身中心、美容院員工)
13.        香港以外就讀的學生(16歲或以上)
14.        家庭傭工





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