Dear Staff and Students,
We would like to share the following message on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Health, Safety and Environment Office
Dear Sir/Madam,
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Government extends social distancing measures under Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance
The Government will maintain most of the existing requirements and restrictions applicable to catering business premises and scheduled premises, as well as the requirements for group gatherings and mask wearing for 14 days until March 17, 2021 (Wednesday). In view of the recent cluster in eateries, the Government will require catering business premises to dedicate staff for clearing used utensils and cleaning and disinfecting used tables and partitions, in order to reduce the relevant infection risk. The existing arrangement for regular testing of staff of catering business premises and scheduled premises will continue, as it helps breaking the silent transmission chain in the community promptly.
For details, please refer to the press release and annexes:
2. Government further strengthens compulsory testing
Currently, in all districts in Hong Kong, if one or more new confirmed cases are found in the residential buildings (including buildings for both commercial and residential uses), or there are sewage samples tested positive which implied possible infection risks, the buildings will be included in the compulsory testing notice. To strengthen testing targeting at workplaces, starting from February 27, if one or more confirmed cases are found in a workplace, it will be included in the compulsory testing notice.
For details, please refer to:
For most updated information, please also refer to daily press releases:
3. Wellcation – Mental health and wellbeing under quarantine
Members of the Faculty of Social Science, the University of Hong Kong, have designed a mental wellness programme, Wellcation 21-day Quarantine Wellness Kit. Based on positive psychology, it provides daily stories, exercise videos and daily practices to enhance our mental health and wellbeing under quarantine.
To facilitate more ethnic minorities to receive the Government’s latest information, the Wellcation kits, together with other health education materials and videos on COVID-19, have been translated into multiple languages. For details, please refer to the attachment.
We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support.
Department of Health
1. 政府延續《預防及控制疾病條例》下的社交距離措施
2. 政府進一步加強強制檢測力度
3. Wellcation - 隔離檢疫時的身心健康
香港大學社會科學學院的團隊成員設計了Wellcation 21天心靈之旅。以正向心理學為基礎,透過每天一則故事、起來鬆一鬆影片、以及正向練習,提升我們在隔離檢疫時的身心健康。
為便利更多少數族裔人士接收政府最新的防疫信息,Wellcation 21天心靈之旅、有關2019冠狀病毒病的資訊和影片已翻譯成多國語言,詳情可參閱附件。