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Joyful Award 21

Joyful@Healthy Workplace Best Practices Award (Enterprise/Organization)–Excellence Award

In June 2021, PolyU scooped the Excellence Award of “Joyful@Healthy Workplace Best Practices Award (Enterprise/Organization Category)” of Occupational Health Award 2020-21. The award recognized organizations that make significant efforts to promote and enhance occupational health.  During the epidemic period in 2020, departments/units, such as, Human Resources Office, Student Affairs Office, University Health Service (UHS) and HSEO, continued implementing and providing various health and safety programmes and organising numerous activities for the University community with hybrid mode.   

30 Jun, 2021




理工大學於2016年起已簽署由衞生署、勞工處及職業安全健康局開展的「好心情@健康工作間」計劃約章,從三大行動領域(健康飲食、體能活動及心理健康)舉行一系列活動,藉以建立更健康及愉快的校園及工作環境。 健康安全及環境事務處將透過職業安全健康局安排一個「識飲識食網上工作坊」,由註冊營養師分享健康飲食的資訊,及提供選擇日常午膳的食物貼士。 日期: 2021年1月29日 (星期五) 時間: 下午1:00 – 2:00 地點: 網上 - Zoom 導師: 李瑋珩女士 (香港營養師協會,澳洲註冊營養師) 語言: 廣東話

29 Jan, 2021


Event Logo

In Times of Facing Pandemic

7 to 15 SEP 2020 Health, Safety & Environment Office (HSEO) always works together with students and staff members to maintain a healthy and safe campus environment for studying and working. With the current epidemic situation, HSEO supports the University to review and update the precautionary measures from time to time to protect the health of University community. It is important for the University students and staff to stay safe and healthy. HSEO would like to take the opportunity of semester commencement to organize a campaign of “In Times of Facing Pandemic” (見字防疫) from 7 to 15 September 2020 for your participation. We would like share with you the health and safety message and hygiene tips via various online activities. In addition, we would like to hear your sharing, experience or concerns in dealing with pandemic in the campaign. Let’s join hands to pitch in and get through this difficult time. One-Minute Video Competition – In Times of Facing Pandemic 拍「片」防疫 一分鐘短片比賽 CREATE your One-Minute VIDEO 創作你的1分鐘短片 Promote HEALTH MESSAGE in times of facing pandemic 推廣防疫健康訊息 WIN a prize up to HK$3,000 voucher 贏取高達HK$3,000現金劵 Click HERE (link to sub-page) for details      Online Poster Exhibition 海報分享 (7 to 11 SEP 2020) Click HERE for posters on the following topics: Three Steps to Do When You Access to Campus 校園防疫三件事 Stay Safe by Avoiding 3Cs 注意防疫環境3種「密」 Wash Your Hand Often 見字洗手保健康 Hygiene Tips for Hall Residents during Epidemic Period 疫情期間,住Hall衛生小貼士 Reporting Mechanism – Having Home-mates Undergoing Mandatory Self-quarantine 新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情下的呈報機制 Online Health Talk 網上健康講座 Click HERE for talks details and enrollment Souvenirs will be given to participants. Daily “We-Challenge” – Quiz 每日挑戰。見字答題 Accept the Daily Challenge from 7 SEP 2020 9月7號起,接受每日不同的題目挑戰 5 Winners per day to receive a Voucher worth HK$50 每日均有5位得獎者可贏得HK$50現金劵 Click HERE for quiz details The link of MySurvey (Quiz of 15 Sep) will be expired tomorrow at 5pm    

7 Sep, 2020


Safety Week 2019_Core Picture

Safety Site Visits - Events cancelled (updated as at 14 Nov 2019)

We're Safer! When We Work Together!

6 Nov, 2019


Safety Week 2019_Core Picture

Safety Week 2019: 12 - 22 November 2019 (updated as at 14 Oct 2019)

Safety Week 2019 (12-22 Nov) will be re-scheduled until further notice

10 Sep, 2019


IPM A3 Poster Final

Integrated Pest Management Campaign 2019 (2 - 10 Apr 2019)

What is an Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? How does it relate to the prevention of communicable diseases, e.g. dengue fever and Zika? What are the opportunities to eliminate or drastically reduce the use of pesticides? How to minimize the toxicity of and exposure to any products which are used?

2 Apr, 2019


Lab Safety Day Poster Final

Laboratory Safety Day 2019

What is an Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? How does it relate to the prevention of communicable diseases, e.g. dengue fever and Zika? What are the opportunities to eliminate or drastically reduce the use of pesticides? How to minimize the toxicity of and exposure to any products which are used?

29 Mar, 2019


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