Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 20 January 2022
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Government maintains existing social distancing measures The Government announced the gazettal of extension of existing social distancing measures for 14 days from January 21 till February 3. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/19/P2022011900634.htm 2. Government urges again residents and workers of Sham Shui Po district to undergo voluntary testing The Government is highly concerned about the suspected silent transmission chains in Sham Shui Po district and has arranged eight service points for local residents and those working there to undergo testing on a voluntary basis. The Government urges again citizens in the district to undergo testing as soon as possible to help cut the silent transmission chains and achieve "early identification, early isolation and early treatment”. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/19/P2022011900792.htm 3. Scientific Committees under CHP update consensus interim recommendations on use of COVID-19 vaccines in children The Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases and the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases (JSC) under the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health, joined by the Chief Executive's expert advisory panel (EAP) published an update of the consensus interim recommendations on the use of COVID-19 vaccines in children in Hong Kong. The JSC-EAP has no objection on allowing the use of CoronaVac vaccine (CoronaVac) in children aged five to 11 and the use of a fractional dose of the Comirnaty vaccine (Comirnaty) for adults in children of that age group. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/17/P2022011700600.htm 4. Government extends place-specific flight suspension mechanism and tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected The Government announced that the place-specific flight suspension mechanism for Australia, Canada, France, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States of America will be extended for 14 days to February 4. The Government will also specify Armenia, Bonaire, Guatemala and New Caledonia as Group A specified places from 0.00am on January 17 to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/14/P2022011400637.htm 5. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Armenia, Bonaire, Guatemala and New Caledonia from 0.00am on January 17 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/14/P2022011400637.htm · Bhutan from 0.00am on January 19 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/16/P2022011600406.htm · Honduras from 0.00am on January 21 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/18/P2022011800593.htm · Papua New Guinea, Suriname from 0.00am on January 22 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/19/P2022011900524.htm 6. Government updates list of places of recognised vaccination records The Government announced that it has concluded discussions with the Government of Colombia to accept vaccination records issued by that place as recognised vaccination records for Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places under the mechanism. The relevant arrangements take effect at 0.00am on January 19. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/17/P2022011700506.htm 7. Government suspends quarantine-free arrangements for arrivals from Zhuhai to Hong Kong through Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge under Return2hk and Come2hk Schemes The Government announced that in light of the latest pandemic situation in the Mainland, Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai in Guangdong Province would be designated as one of the "at-risk places that are temporarily inapplicable under the Return2hk/Come2hk Scheme". Given the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Zhuhai Port is situated in Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai, any person arriving from the Zhuhai Port to Hong Kong through HZMB are not exempted from compulsory quarantine under the Return2hk or Come2hk Scheme from 0.00am on January 18 onwards. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/17/P2022011700689.htm 8. SWD announces implementation of "vaccine bubble" in RCHEs and RCHDs In view of the Government's plan to implement "vaccine bubble" in government buildings and offices in mid-February, the Social Welfare Department (SWD) announced the implementation of "vaccine bubble" in all residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs) and residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) starting from February 24. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/17/P2022011700609.htm 9. 46th round of compulsory testing for staff members of RCHEs, RCHDs and nursing homes to commence shortly The Government announced that the 46th round of compulsory testing for staff members of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and nursing homes will commence shortly. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/14/P2022011300258.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府維持現行社交距離措施 政府公布,將刊憲延續現行社交距離措施的有效期14天,由一月二十一日起生效,直至二月三日為止。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/19/P2022011900631.htm 2. 政府再次呼籲深水埗區居民和工作人士「願檢盡檢」 政府對深水埗區懷疑出現隱形傳播鏈高度關注,已安排八個檢測點方便區內居民及在該區工作的人士「願檢盡檢」。政府再次呼籲該區市民盡快進行檢測,協助截斷隱形傳播鏈,達至「早發現、早隔離、早治療」。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/19/P2022011900759.htm 3. 衞生防護中心轄下科學委員會更新兒童接種新冠疫苗的暫擬共識建議 衞生署衞生防護中心(中心)轄下的疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會和新發現及動物傳染病科學委員會(聯合科學委員會)聯同行政長官專家顧問團(專家顧問團),公布更新的本港兒童接種新冠疫苗暫擬共識建議。聯合科學委員會聯同專家顧問團不反對為五至十一歲兒童接種克爾來福疫苗,以及以成人復必泰疫苗的部分劑量為該年齡組別兒童接種。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/17/P2022011700601.htm 4. 政府延長地區性航班「熔斷機制」安排及收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,延長向澳洲、加拿大、法國、印度、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、英國和美國實施的地區性航班「熔斷機制」14天至二月四日,以及於一月十七日凌晨零時起,指明亞美尼亞、博內爾、危地馬拉和新喀里多尼亞為A組指明地區,以收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/14/P2022011400633.htm 5. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於一月十七日凌晨零時起:亞美尼亞、博內爾、危地馬拉和新喀里多尼亞 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/14/P2022011400633.htm · 於一月十九日凌晨零時起:不丹 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/16/P2022011600407.htm · 於一月二十一日凌晨零時起:洪都拉斯 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/18/P2022011800592.htm · 於一月二十二日凌晨零時起:巴布亞新幾內亞、蘇里南 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/19/P2022011900523.htm 6. 政府更新認可疫苗接種紀錄地區名單 政府公布,已與哥倫比亞政府完成商討,將認可該地區發出的疫苗接種紀錄,作為曾於A組指明地區逗留的香港居民的認可疫苗紀錄。相關安排由一月十九日凌晨零時起實施。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/17/P2022011700505.htm 7. 政府暫停透過「回港易」及「來港易」計劃從珠海經港珠澳大橋入境香港的免檢疫安排 政府公布,因應內地疫情最新情況,廣東省珠海市香洲區將被列入「回港易/來港易計劃暫不適用風險地區」。由於港珠澳大橋珠海口岸位於珠海市香洲區內,自一月十八日零時起,任何人士不能透過「回港易」或「來港易」計劃從珠海口岸經港珠澳大橋入境香港而獲得豁免在港的強制檢疫安排。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/17/P2022011700676.htm 8. 社署公布在安老院及殘疾人士院舍推行「疫苗氣泡」 因應政府將會於二月中在政府大樓和辦公處所推行「疫苗氣泡」,社會福利署(社署)宣布,將於二月二十四日開始在所有安老院及殘疾人士院舍推行「疫苗氣泡」。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/17/P2022011700610.htm 9. 第四十六輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開 政府宣布,第四十六輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/14/P2022011300254.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
20 Jan, 2022
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 14 January 2022
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Advance reservations for vaccination at two newly added Community Vaccination Centres starts Starting from January 14, members of the public can make reservations to receive free BioNTech vaccination at the Community Vaccination Centres (CVCs) located at the Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre and Kowloon Bay Sports Centre. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/12/P2022011200288.htm 2. COVID-19 vaccination walk-in service of DH's Elderly Health Centres to expand The Department of Health (DH) announced that 12 Elderly Health Centres (EHCs) expand their COVID-19 vaccination service to provide walk-in vaccination with the CoronaVac vaccine for all persons aged 65 or above starting January 13, in order to further encourage and facilitate the elderly in receiving COVID-19 vaccination. Together with the three EHCs providing such service, a total of 15 EHCs of the DH provide walk-in vaccination for the elderly. In addition, the DH also extends the daily vaccination hours and offer an additional time slot on Saturday morning. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/12/P2022011200567.htm 3. Advisory Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines convenes meeting to conduct continuous benefit-risk analysis of authorised COVID-19 vaccines Having reviewed the relevant efficacy and safety data published, the Advisory Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines (Advisory Panel) suggested allowing children aged 5 to 11 to receive a fractional dose (i.e. one-third of a dose) of the Comirnaty vaccine for adults for "off-label use" and to make reference to the recommendations of relevant scientific committees for implementing the vaccination programme. In addition, after reviewing all the latest clinical and safety data related to the Comirnaty and Sinovac vaccines, the Advisory Panel still considered that the benefits of the two vaccines outweighed the risks, and that there was no need to recommend changes regarding the use of the two vaccines. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/12/P2022011200679.htm 4. DH calls on community including ethnic minorities to fight Omicron variant threat together In response to the recent worsening of the local COVID-19 epidemic situation, with local infection cases also involving several foreign domestic helpers, the Department of Health (DH) appealed again to all sectors of the community, including ethnic minorities (EMs), to continue to work with the Government on its enhanced prevention and control work. To fight the Omicron variant threat together, the Government called on the public to closely pay heed to and follow the Government’s prevention and control measures, testing arrangements, and to observe good personal hygiene and receive COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/12/P2022011200617.htm 5. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Azerbaijan from 0.00am on January 14 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/11/P2022011100450.htm · Kyrgyzstan from 0.00am on January 16 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/13/P2022011300434.htm 6. Ten service points available in Tuen Mun to facilitate voluntary testing In view of suspected silent transmission chains in Tuen Mun district, the Government urges residents and those working in Tuen Mun who are exposed to infection risks to undergo testing as soon as possible. The Government has already extended the opening hours of the community testing centre (CTC) at Siu Lun Community Hall in Tuen Mun to 10pm starting from January 11. Eight additional mobile specimen collection stations are also be set up in the district on January 12 to enhance testing service there. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/11/P2022011100819.htm 7. Additional mobile specimen collection station set up at Siu Lun Sports Ground The Government announced the setting up of an additional mobile specimen collection station at Siu Lun Sports Ground. The location is close to the community testing centre (CTC) at Siu Lun Community Hall in Tuen Mun, with a view to diverting people at the CTC and facilitating the testing of residents and workers of Tuen Mun district. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/13/P2022011300491.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 周五起可提前預約到兩間新增社區疫苗接種中心接種疫苗 由一月十四日起,市民可以預約在教育局九龍塘教育服務中心和九龍灣體育館的社區疫苗接種中心,免費接種復必泰疫苗。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/12/P2022011200219.htm 2. 衞生署擴展轄下長者健康中心新冠疫苗即場接種服務 衞生署公布,為進一步鼓勵和方便長者接種新冠疫苗,轄下12間長者健康中心一月十三日起擴展新冠疫苗接種服務,為所有65歲或以上人士即場接種科興克爾來福疫苗,無須預約。連同已提供相關服務的三間長者健康中心,署方轄下將共有15間長者健康中心為長者提供即場接種服務。署方亦同時將每天的接種時段延長,並新增星期六上午的接種時段。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/12/P2022011200568.htm 3. 2019冠狀病毒病疫苗顧問專家委員會就認可新冠疫苗的持續效益及風險評估舉行會議 在審視已公布的相關效能及安全性資料後,2019冠狀病毒病疫苗顧問專家委員會(顧問專家委員會)建議可容許為5至11歲兒童接種成人復必泰疫苗的部分劑量(即三分之一劑量)作「標示外使用」,並參考相關科學委員會建議推行接種計劃。 另外,在檢視所有與復必泰疫苗和科興疫苗相關的最新臨床及安全數據後,顧問專家委員會仍然認為兩款疫苗的效益均大於風險,無需建議更改該兩款疫苗的使用。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/12/P2022011200611.htm 4. 衞生署呼籲社會各界包括少數族裔社群同心協力抵禦Omicron變異病毒株威脅 因應本地2019冠狀病毒病疫情近日轉趨嚴峻,本地感染的個案亦涉及數名外籍家庭傭工,衞生署再次呼籲社會各界包括少數族裔社群同心協力,繼續與政府攜手做好加強防控工作。政府呼籲市民密切留意及配合各防疫措施及檢測安排,並注意個人衞生及盡快接種新冠疫苗,以抵禦Omicron變異病毒株的威脅。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/12/P2022011200606.htm 5. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於一月十四日凌晨零時起:阿塞拜疆 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/11/P2022011100449.htm · 於一月十六日凌晨零時起:吉爾吉斯斯坦 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/13/P2022011300433.htm 6. 屯門區設十個檢測點便利居民「願檢盡檢」 因應屯門區出現懷疑隱形傳播鏈,政府呼籲有感染風險的當區居民及在該區工作的人士盡快進行檢測。位於屯門兆麟社區會堂的社區檢測中心已由一月十一日起延長服務時間至晚上十時,另區內一月十二日亦會增設八個流動採樣站,加強檢測服務。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/11/P2022011100784.htm 7. 兆麟運動場增設流動採樣站 政府宣布,為疏導屯門兆麟社區會堂社區檢測中心進行2019冠狀病毒病檢測的人流,在該社區會堂附近的兆麟運動場增設流動採樣站,方便屯門區的居民及工作人士進行檢測。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/13/P2022011300349.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
14 Jan, 2022
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 11 January 2022
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Multi-pronged measures to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, said that the Government will take multi-pronged measures to increase the uptake and pace of COVID-19 vaccination, which includes increasing the number of vaccination booths at Community Vaccination Centres (CVCs) and Hospital COVID-19 Vaccination Stations (HCVSs), to cater for the public's demand for vaccination. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/07/P2022010700565.htm 2. Government continues to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake through various channels The Government will continue to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake through various channels to cater for the public's demand for vaccination and to expedite the pace of vaccination. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/10/P2022011000459.htm 3. COVID-19 vaccination walk-in service of DH's Elderly Health Centres to expand starting January 10 The Department of Health (DH) announced that three Elderly Health Centres (EHCs) expands their COVID-19 vaccination service to provide walk-in vaccination with the CoronaVac vaccine for all persons aged 65 or above on January 10, in order to encourage and facilitate the elderly in receiving COVID-19 vaccination. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/07/P2022010700268.htm 4. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Grenada, Mauritania and Mayotte from 0.00am on January 9 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/06/P2022010600560.htm · Iraq from 0.00am on January 10 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/07/P2022010700494.htm · Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Gambia, Laos and Mongolia from 0.00am on January 11 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/08/P2022010800477.htm · Solomon Islands from 0.00am on January 12 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/09/P2022010900428.htm · Uzbekistan from 0.00am on January 13 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/10/P2022011000521.htm 5. 45th round of compulsory testing for staff members of RCHEs, RCHDs and nursing homes to commence shortly The Government announced that the 45th round of compulsory testing for staff members of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and nursing homes will commence shortly. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/07/P2022010600449.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府多管齊下提高新冠疫苗接種量 公務員事務局局長聶德權表示,政府會多管齊下提高新冠疫苗接種量,並加快疫苗的接種速度,包括增加社區疫苗接種中心和公立醫院新冠疫苗接種站的接種間,以回應市民對接種疫苗的需求。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/07/P2022010700382.htm 2. 政府繼續透過多渠道增加新冠疫苗接種量 政府會繼續透過不同渠道增加新冠疫苗的接種量,在回應市民對接種疫苗的需求的同時,亦加快接種速度。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/10/P2022011000261.htm 3. 衞生署轄下長者健康中心周一起擴展新冠疫苗即場接種服務 衞生署公布,為鼓勵和方便長者接種新冠疫苗,轄下三間長者健康中心於一月十日起擴展新冠疫苗接種服務,為所有65歲或以上人士即場接種克爾來福疫苗,無須預約。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/07/P2022010700267.htm 4. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於一月九日凌晨零時起:格林納達、毛里塔尼亞、馬約特 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/06/P2022010600559.htm · 於一月十日凌晨零時起:伊拉克 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/07/P2022010700489.htm · 於一月十一日凌晨零時起:安提瓜和巴布達、玻利維亞、科特迪瓦、加蓬、岡比亞、老撾、蒙古 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/08/P2022010800475.htm · 於一月十二日凌晨零時起:所羅門群島 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/09/P2022010900429.htm · 於一月十三日凌晨零時起:烏茲別克斯坦 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/10/P2022011000520.htm 5. 第四十五輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開 政府宣布,第四十五輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/07/P2022010600448.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
11 Jan, 2022
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 6 January 2022
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Government tightens social distancing measures in view of latest epidemic situation In view of the development of COVID-19 epidemic situation in Hong Kong, the Government will tighten social distancing measures from January 7 to January 20 with a view to containing the epidemic as early as possible: - From 6pm to 4.59am of the subsequent day, catering business must cease selling or supplying food or drink for consumption on the premises of the business. Maximum number of persons per table for catering premises under Types B, C and D Modes of Operation will be reduced to two, four and six respectively. - Bars or pubs, amusement game centres, bathhouses, fitness centres, places of amusement, places of public entertainment, party rooms, beauty parlours, clubs or nightclubs, karaoke establishments, mahjong-tin kau premises, massage establishments, sports premises, swimming pools, cruise ships and event premises must be closed. - Cessation of mass events. All local tours will be suspended For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500859.htm 2. Second COVID-19 Mobile Vaccination Station to commence operation this Friday The second COVID-19 Mobile Vaccination Station (MVS) will commerce operation on Friday (January 7) and provide vaccination services at Wong Tai Sin Temple Square for three consecutive days (from January 7 to 9) to enable people in the district, in particular elderly persons, to receive the BioNTech vaccine conveniently. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500330.htm 3. Government implements place-specific flight suspension mechanism in response to Omicron variant and tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected The Government announced that in view of the rapidly worsening global pandemic situation due to the Omicron variant, it will, from 0.00am on January 8, implement the place-specific flight suspension mechanism for Australia, Canada, France, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Government will also specify Cape Verde, Niger and South Sudan as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500713.htm 4. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Bulgaria from 0.00am on January 6 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/03/P2022010300532.htm · Martinique from 0.00am on January 7 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/04/P2022010400545.htm · Cape Verde, Niger and South Sudan from 0.00am on January 8 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500713.htm 5. Government updates list of places of recognised vaccination records The Government announced that it has concluded discussions with the Governments of Belarus, Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam to accept vaccination records issued by these places as recognised vaccination records for Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places under the mechanism. The Government also accepts the vaccination records issued by Montenegro, Tunisia and Uruguay for boarding flights for Hong Kong by Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places. The relevant arrangements take effect at 0.00am on January 5 (Wednesday). For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/03/P2022010300480.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府因應最新疫情發展收緊社交距離措施 因應本港2019冠狀病毒病的疫情發展,政府將於1月7日至20日收緊社交距離措施,務求盡快遏制疫情 : - 每天下午6時起至翌日上午4時59分,餐飲處所須停止售賣或供應在處所內進食或飲用的食物或飲品。以B、C及D類運作模式營運的餐飲處所的每枱人數上限分別減至2人、4人及6人 - 關閉酒吧或酒館、遊戲機中心、浴室、健身中心、遊樂場所、公眾娛樂場所、派對房間、美容院、夜店或夜總會、卡拉 OK 場所、麻將天九耍樂處所、按摩院、體育處所、泳池、郵輪及活動場所 - 停止所有大型活動及暫停本地遊活動 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500795.htm 2. 第二個新冠疫苗流動接種站周五啓用 第二個新冠疫苗流動接種站將於星期五(一月七日)啓用,並會一連三天(一月七日至九日)在黃大仙廟宇廣場提供服務,方便附近的居民和區內市民,特別是長者,接種復必泰疫苗。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500242.htm 3. 政府為應對Omicron變異病毒株實施地區性航班「熔斷機制」及收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,鑑於全球疫情因Omicron變異病毒株急速惡化,將於一月八日凌晨零時起,向澳洲、加拿大、法國、印度、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、英國和美國實施地區性航班「熔斷機制」,以及指明佛得角、尼日爾和南蘇丹為A組指明地區,以收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500690.htm 4. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於一月六日凌晨零時起:保加利亞 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/03/P2022010300530.htm · 於一月七日凌晨零時起:馬提尼克島 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/04/P2022010400542.htm · 於一月八日凌晨零時起:佛得角、尼日爾和南蘇丹 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500690.htm 5. 政府更新認可疫苗接種紀錄地區名單 政府公布,已與白俄羅斯、文萊和越南政府完成商討,認可該等地區發出的疫苗接種紀錄,作為曾於A組指明地區逗留的香港居民的認可疫苗紀錄。政府亦將接受曾逗留A組指明地區的香港居民持黑山、突尼斯和烏拉圭所發出的疫苗接種紀錄登機來港。相關安排由一月五日(星期三)凌晨零時起實施。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/03/P2022010300477.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
6 Jan, 2022
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 3 January 2022
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. CHP provides update on cases related to Moon Palace The CHP strongly appeals to people who had meals at Moon Palace from 1pm to 3pm on December 27 to call the CHP's hotlines at 2125 1111 or 2125 1122 as soon as possible to facilitate the CHP's epidemiological investigations and contact tracing. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/01/P2022010100617.htm 2. Government further tightens quarantine arrangements for locally based air crew In light of the latest developments of the global and local epidemic situation, the Government has further tightened the quarantine arrangements for locally based air crew. For all locally based air cargo crew who have laid over at overseas places or Taiwan and were subjected to self-isolation in designated quarantine hotels (DQHs) for three days, with effect from 0.00am January 1, they will be required to stay in DQHs until obtaining negative results from the polymerase chain reaction-based (PCR) nucleic acid tests for COVID-19 taken on the seventh day following their return to Hong Kong. After leaving DQHs, they will remain subject to multiple PCR nucleic acid tests for COVID-19 regularly during their medical surveillance periods, in order to monitor their health conditions on a continued basis. The measure will further safeguard public health. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/31/P2021123100581.htm 3. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Libya from 0.00am on January 3 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/31/P2021123100516.htm · Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Guinea, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Uruguay from 0.00am on January 4 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/01/P2022010100499.htm 4. Government announces list of seventh-cycle designated quarantine hotels The Government announced the list of designated quarantine hotels for the seventh cycle of the Designated Quarantine Hotel (DQH) Scheme. A total of 44 hotels will provide about 12 500 rooms in the new cycle, which runs from March 1 to July 31, 2022. The Government may adjust the number of rooms available in this cycle as and where necessary. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/31/P2021123100368.htm 5. 44th round of compulsory testing for staff members of RCHEs, RCHDs and nursing homes to commence shortly The Government announced that the 44th round of compulsory testing for staff members of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and nursing homes will commence shortly. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/31/P2021123000362.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 衞生防護中心跟進望月樓相關個案 中心強烈呼籲曾於十二月二十七日下午一時至三時到望月樓用餐的人士盡快致電中心熱線2125 1111或2125 1122,以便中心進行流行病學調查及接觸者追蹤工作。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/01/P2022010100618.htm 2. 政府進一步收緊駐港機組人員的檢疫安排 因應全球及本地疫情的最新發展,政府已收緊駐港機組人員的檢疫安排。所有曾在海外地區或台灣逗留、而需要入住指定檢疫酒店三天的駐港貨機機組人員,由二○二二年一月一日凌晨零時起,在返港後必須入住指定檢疫酒店,直至取得第七天的核酸檢測陰性結果。他們在離開指定檢疫酒店後,仍要在其醫學監察期間接受多次的定期核酸檢測,以持續監察他們的健康狀況。有關措施有助進一步保障公共衞生。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/31/P2021123100473.htm 3. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於一月三日凌晨零時起:利比亞 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/31/P2021123100515.htm · 於一月四日凌晨零時起:巴巴多斯、波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那、幾內亞、聖基茨和尼維斯、聖文森特和格林納丁斯,及烏拉圭 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/01/P2022010100498.htm 4. 政府公布第七輪指定檢疫酒店名單 政府公布第七輪指定檢疫酒店的名單。新一輪指定檢疫酒店計劃由二○二二年三月一日至七月三十一日推行,44間酒店共提供約12 500間房間。政府可在有需要時調整這一輪計劃所提供的房間數目。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/31/P2021123100364.htm 5. 第四十四輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開 政府宣布,第四十四輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/31/P2021123000361.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
3 Jan, 2022
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 31 December 2021
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Measures to assist foreign domestic helpers and employers to cope with COVID-19 pandemic extended The Government announced that the measures to assist foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) and their employers to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic will be extended with immediate effect. These include extension of validity period of existing contracts and deferral of return to the place of origin. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/28/P2021122800271.htm 2. Latest quarantine arrangements for foreign domestic helpers The Government announced that Regala Skycity Hotel (Regala) on Lantau Island will be added as a Designated Quarantine Facility (DQF) for foreign domestic workers (FDHs) from January 2022 onwards. As the Omicron variant is spreading rapidly around the world, the Government needs to reserve all rooms at the Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre (PBQC) for quarantine purposes in order to prevent the variant from entering the community. Starting from January 3, 2022, Phases 1 and 2 of PBQC will thus cease taking reservations for FDHs coming to work in Hong Kong. In its initial period serving as a DQF, Regala will assist the Government in arranging by phases the intake of FDHs residing at PBQC to continue their quarantine. The FDHs, employers and employment agencies (EAs) concerned need not bear any additional costs or make any additional arrangements for the transfer to Regala, and the Government will inform them of the transfer arrangements one by one according to schedule. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/29/P2021122900577.htm 3. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Brunei Darussalam and Paraguay from 0.00am on December 31 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/28/P2021122800485.htm · Kazakhstan and Myanmar from 0.00am on January 1 In view of the earlier detection of imported Omicron cases in Hong Kong from Kazakhstan, the Government will implement the most stringent quarantine and testing requirements for inbound travellers from that place. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/29/P2021122900785.htm · Belarus, Curaçao and Vietnam from 0.00am on January 2 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/30/P2021123000755.htm 4. Conditional free COVID-19 testing service continues for targeted groups The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) announced that the free COVID-19 testing service will continue to be provided for eligible persons of targeted groups at community testing centres (CTCs). For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/30/P2021123000822.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 延續協助外籍家庭傭工及僱主應對2019冠狀病毒病疫情的措施 政府宣布即時延續協助外籍家庭傭工(外傭)及其僱主應對2019冠狀病毒病疫情的措施,包括延長現行合約的有效期限和延後返回原居地。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/28/P2021122800272.htm 2. 外籍家庭傭工檢疫的最新安排 政府宣布,大嶼山麗豪航天城酒店將於二○二二年一月起作為新增的外籍家庭傭工(外傭)指定檢疫設施。因應Omicron變異病毒株在全球快速擴散,政府有必要預留竹篙灣檢疫中心(檢疫中心)全數房間作檢疫用途,致力堵截變異病毒株流入社區。因此,由二○二二年一月三日起,檢疫中心第一期及第二期將停止接受來港工作的外傭預約。麗豪航天城酒店在作為檢疫設施初期會配合政府安排,讓入住檢疫中心的外傭逐步轉往該酒店繼續檢疫,而有關的外傭、僱主及職業介紹所無須為此轉移承擔額外開支或作出額外安排,政府會有序地逐一通知他們轉移的安排。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/29/P2021122900594.htm 3. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於十二月三十一日凌晨零時起:文萊和巴拉圭 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/28/P2021122800483.htm · 於一月一日凌晨零時起:哈薩克斯坦和緬甸 其中,因應早前發現由哈薩克斯坦輸入香港的Omicron個案,政府將對從該地區抵港的人士實施最嚴格的檢疫要求。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/29/P2021122900784.htm · 於一月二日凌晨零時起:白俄羅斯、庫拉索和越南 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/30/P2021123000754.htm 4. 政府繼續為特定群組提供有條件的免費2019冠狀病毒病檢測 食物及衞生局(食衞局)公布,會繼續為合資格的特定群組人士於社區檢測中心提供免費的2019冠狀病毒病檢測服務。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/30/P2021123000819.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
31 Dec, 2021
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 28 December 2021
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Further expansion of COVID-19 vaccination arrangements from January 1 The Government announced that the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme will be further expanded starting from January 1, 2022. The arrangements are as follows: extension of the opening hours of nine of the 10 Community Vaccination Centres (CVCs) to enable members of the public to receive a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine; provision of a third dose vaccination service to all eligible persons who have received two doses of the BioNTech vaccine with the second dose received six months ago; provision of a second dose vaccination service to persons who have recovered from previous COVID-19 infection; and provision of a second dose BioNTech vaccination service to persons aged 12 to 17. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/24/P2021122400509.htm 2. Scientific Committees under CHP update consensus interim recommendations on use of Comirnaty vaccine The Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases and the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases under the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (JSC) convened a meeting, joined by the Chief Executive's expert advisory panel (EAP), to discuss and update consensus interim recommendations on the use of Comirnaty vaccine in Hong Kong. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/23/P2021122300757.htm 3. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. Guadeloupe, Guernsey, Saint Martin (French part) and Venezuela from 0.00am on December 26 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/23/P2021122300550.htm Réunion and Serbia from 0.00am on December 27 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/24/P2021122400627.htm Albania, Jamaica and North Macedonia from 0.00am on December 29 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/26/P2021122600494.htm The Dominican Republic, Kosovo and Malta from 0.00am on December 30 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/27/P2021122700546.htm 4. 43rd round of compulsory testing for staff members of RCHEs, RCHDs and nursing homes to commence shortly The Government announced that the 43rd round of compulsory testing for staff members of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and nursing homes will commence shortly. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/24/P2021122300433.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 元旦起進一步擴大接種新冠疫苗安排 政府宣布,由元旦(二○二二年一月一日)起進一步擴大2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃。具體措施包括: 全港十間社區疫苗接種中心,其中九間會延長開放時間,方便市民接種第三劑新冠疫苗; 為所有已接種兩劑復必泰疫苗滿六個月的合資格人士接種第三劑疫苗; 為新冠康復人士接種第二劑疫苗;及 為十二至十七歲青少年接種第二劑復必泰疫苗。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/24/P2021122400293.htm 2. 衞生防護中心轄下科學委員會更新復必泰疫苗接種的暫擬共識建議 衞生署衞生防護中心(中心)轄下的疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會和新發現及動物傳染病科學委員會(聯合科學委員會)聯同行政長官專家顧問團(專家顧問團)進行會議,討論並更新本港接種復必泰疫苗的暫擬共識建議。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/23/P2021122300883.htm 3. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 於十二月二十六日凌晨零時起:瓜德羅普島、根西島、聖馬丁(法屬)和委內瑞拉 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/23/P2021122300549.htm 於十二月二十七日凌晨零時起:留尼汪島和塞爾維亞 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/24/P2021122400626.htm 於十二月二十九日凌晨零時起:阿爾巴尼亞、牙買加和北馬其頓 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/26/P2021122600493.htm 於十二月三十日凌晨零時起:多米尼加共和國、科索沃和馬耳他 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/27/P2021122700548.htm 4. 第四十三輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開 政府宣布,第四十三輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/24/P2021122300432.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
28 Dec, 2021
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 23 December 2021
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Government maintains social distancing measures under Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance The Government announced the gazettal of extension of social distancing measures for 14 days, which takes effect from December 23, 2021, till January 5, 2022. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/21/P2021122100457.htm 2. COVID-19 vaccination in lieu of regular testing arrangement for government employees to be further tightened The Government announced that the current vaccination in lieu of regular testing arrangement for government employees will be further tightened from December 28, and a "vaccine bubble" arrangement at government buildings and offices will be implemented in mid-February 2022 under which government employees entering the above mentioned premises for work-related purposes will be required to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/21/P2021122100384.htm 3. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Aruba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Georgia and Panama from 0.00am on December 24 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/21/P2021122100558.htm · Burkina Faso, Cayman Islands and Togo from 0.00am on December 25 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/22/P2021122200577.htm 4. CHP provides update on eight additional Omicron cases and enhances infection control measures in designated quarantine hotels As some of the imported Omicron cases are confirmed in designated quarantine hotels, to further reduce the possible risk of infection, the CHP has requested the designated quarantine hotels concerned to take additional measures on infection control and surveillance. If an Omicron case had stayed in a designated quarantine hotel, daily testing will be arranged for those who have been staying in adjacent and opposite rooms of the room of the Omicron case until seven days after the transfer out of the patient concerned. For those who had stayed in the adjacent and opposite rooms within the same period but had completed compulsory quarantine at the hotel, the CHP will request them to go for additional testing in the community as soon as possible and advise them to avoid group gathering until they complete seven days of additional surveillance. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/21/P2021122100747.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府維持《預防及控制疾病條例》下的社交距離措施 政府刊憲延續社交距離措施的有效期14天,由十二月二十三日生效,直至二○二二年一月五日為止。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/21/P2021122100450.htm 2. 進一步收緊政府僱員以接種新冠疫苗取代定期檢測安排 政府宣布,由十二月二十八日起進一步收緊現時適用於所有政府僱員的「以接種疫苗取代定期檢測」安排;並將會於二○二二年二月中在政府大樓和辦公處所推行「疫苗氣泡」,屆時所有因工作相關目的進入上述處所的政府僱員均需出示新冠疫苗接種證明。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/21/P2021122100382.htm 3. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於十二月二十四日凌晨零時起:阿魯巴、哥倫比亞、哥斯達黎加、格魯吉亞和巴拿馬 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/21/P2021122100556.htm · 於十二月二十五日凌晨零時起:布基納法索、開曼群島和多哥 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/22/P2021122200576.htm 4. 衞生防護中心匯報新增八宗Omicron個案及加強指定檢疫酒店感染控制措施 鑑於部分Omicron輸入個案於指定檢疫酒店確診,為進一步減低可能發生的傳播風險,中心已要求有關指定檢疫酒店實施額外感染控制和監測措施。如涉及Omicron個案曾入住指定檢疫酒店,中心會安排與Omicron個案入住相鄰和對面房間的住客每天接受檢測,直至該病人離開酒店後的第七日。而於同一時段曾與Omicron個案入住相鄰和對面房間但已完成強制檢疫的住客,中心會要求他們盡快於社區接受額外檢測,並建議他們應避免聚會,直至完成七天的額外監測期。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/21/P2021122100745.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
23 Dec, 2021
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 21 December 2021
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Comprehensive tightening of inbound control measures to prevent spreading of Omicron cases to community The Government announced that in view of the rapidly worsening global epidemic situation due to the Omicron variant, a series of measures will be implemented to further guard against the importation of cases, including: (1) tightening the flight suspension mechanism with immediate effect, apart from the existing suspension criteria, if four or more passengers are confirmed with COVID-19 upon arrival in Hong Kong from the same route within seven days, that route will be suspended for 14 days; (2) shortening the lead time for specimen collection for pre-departure nucleic acid tests for persons boarding for flights to Hong Kong from 72 hours to 48 hours with effect from December 24; and (3) requiring persons arriving at Hong Kong from Group A places with enhanced surveillance to undergo compulsory quarantine at a quarantine centre for the first four days of arrival at Hong Kong with effect from December 21. They have to undergo daily testing in the first seven days of arrival at Hong Kong, and to undergo testing on alternate days thereafter. Additionally, in view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 epidemic situation, the Government imposes measures applicable to Group A places with enhanced surveillance on persons who have stayed in the United Kingdom (UK), from 0.00am on December 21. Peru will be specified as a Group A specified place from 0.00am on December 23 to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/20/P2021122000964.htm 2. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Bahrain, Bermuda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gibraltar, Hungary, Oman and the Slovak Republic from 0.00am on December 17 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/14/P2021121400590.htm · Algeria, Ecuador, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Trinidad and Tobago from 0.00am on December 18 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/15/P2021121500567.htm · Kenya, Lithuania and Rwanda from 0.00am on December 19 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/16/P2021121600523.htm · Montenegro and Poland from 0.00am on December 20 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/17/P2021121700580.htm · Egypt, Morocco, New Zealand and Qatar from 0.00am on December 21 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/18/P2021121800575.htm · Palestine and Ukraine from 0.00am on December 22 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/19/P2021121900688.htm · Peru from 0.00am on December 23 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/20/P2021122000964.htm 3. Government updates list of places of recognised vaccination records The Government announced that it has concluded discussions with the Government of Nigeria to accept vaccination records issued by the place as recognised vaccination records for Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places under the mechanism. The Government will also accept the vaccination records issued by Cape Verde and Lebanon for boarding flights for Hong Kong by Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places. The relevant arrangements will take effect at 0.00am on December 22 (Wednesday). For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/20/P2021122000756.htm 4. 42nd round of compulsory testing for staff members of RCHEs, RCHDs and nursing homes to commence shortly The Government announced that the 42nd round of compulsory testing for staff members of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and nursing homes will commence shortly. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/10/P2021120900485.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府全方位收緊「外防輸入」措施防範Omicron個案流入社區 政府公布,鑑於全球疫情因Omicron變異病毒株急速惡化,將採取一系列措施以進一步加強「外防輸入」,包括: (1)由即日起收緊航班「熔斷機制」,除原有熔斷條件外,如一條航線七天內有四名或以上乘客抵港時確診,該航線須熔斷14天; (2)由十二月二十四日起,所有地區來港人士登機來港前須進行的核酸檢測,採樣時限由72小時縮短至48小時;及 (3)由十二月二十一日起從「加強監測A組地區」抵港人士抵港首四天須在檢疫中心強制檢疫,抵港首七天須每天接受檢測,其後檢疫期間須隔天接受檢測。 此外,因應全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展,政府由十二月二十一日凌晨零時起對曾逗留英國的抵港人士實施「加強監測A組地區」措施,以及由十二月二十三日凌晨零時起指明秘魯為A組指明地區,以收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/20/P2021122000800.htm 2. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於十二月十七日凌晨零時起:巴林、百慕達、剛果民主共和國、直布羅陀、匈牙利、阿曼和斯洛伐克共和國 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/14/P2021121400589.htm · 於十二月十八日凌晨零時起:阿爾及利亞、厄瓜多爾、盧森堡、斯洛文尼亞及特立尼達和多巴哥 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/15/P2021121500565.htm · 於十二月十九日凌晨零時起:肯尼亞、立陶宛和盧旺達 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/16/P2021121600522.htm · 於十二月二十日凌晨零時起:黑山和波蘭 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/17/P2021121700579.htm · 於十二月二十一日凌晨零時起:埃及、摩洛哥、新西蘭和卡塔爾 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/18/P2021121800576.htm · 於十二月二十二日凌晨零時起:巴勒斯坦和烏克蘭 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/19/P2021121900687.htm · 於十二月二十三日凌晨零時起:秘魯 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/20/P2021122000800.htm 3. 政府更新認可疫苗接種紀錄地區名單 政府已與尼日利亞政府完成商討,將認可該地區發出的疫苗接種紀錄,作為曾於A組指明地區逗留的香港居民的認可疫苗紀錄。政府亦將接受曾逗留A組指明地區的香港居民持佛得角或黎巴嫩所發出的疫苗接種紀錄登機來港。相關安排將由十二月二十二日(星期三)凌晨零時起實施。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/20/P2021122000755.htm 4. 第四十二輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開 政府宣布,第四十二輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/17/P2021121500289.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
21 Dec, 2021
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 14 December 2021
Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health and Safety Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. "Hong Kong Health Code" system opens for registration The "Hong Kong Health Code" system opens for registration from 9am on December 10, and the latest "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app version 3.0 will also be available for update. Members of the public can register a real-name account on the "Hong Kong Health Code" website www.healthcode.gov.hk. Upon successful registration, users can upload their visit records to the "Hong Kong Health Code" system through the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app version 3.0, and then login to the "Hong Kong Health Code" system to receive a "Hong Kong Health Code". For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/09/P2021120900238.htm 2. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected In view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the places listed below will be specified as Group A specified places to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. · Estonia and Uganda from 0.00am on December 12 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/09/P2021120900553.htm · Cuba, Kuwait and Liechtenstein from 0.00am on December 13 Meanwhile, in view of the detection under the "test-and-hold" arrangement at the airport of a case from the United States of America (the USA), a Group A specified place, that carried the Omicron variant, the Government implements the most stringent quarantine and testing requirements for inbound travellers from the USA. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/10/P2021121000796.htm · Cyprus, Jordan and Lebanon from 0.00am on December 14 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/11/P2021121100752.htm · Mauritius and Sierra Leone from 0.00am on December 15 For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/12/P2021121200510.htm 3. Government updates list of places of recognised vaccination records The Government has concluded discussions with the Governments of Laos, Mexico, Mongolia, Oman and Qatar to accept vaccination records issued by the places as recognised vaccination records for Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places under the mechanism. The Government will also accept the vaccination records issued by El Salvador for boarding flights for Hong Kong by Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places. The relevant arrangements will take effect at 0.00am on December 15 (Wednesday). For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/13/P2021121300790.htm 4. 41st round of compulsory testing for staff members of RCHEs, RCHDs and nursing homes to commence shortly The Government announced that the 41st round of compulsory testing for staff members of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and nursing homes will commence shortly. For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/10/P2021120900485.htm More information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/ We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 「香港健康碼」系統開通 「香港健康碼」(「港康碼」)系統於十二月十日上午九時正式開通,「安心出行」流動應用程式亦會更新至3.0版本。市民可於「港康碼」網站www.healthcode.gov.hk實名登記申請註冊帳戶。成功開通帳戶後,用戶可透過「安心出行」流動應用程式3.0版本,上傳出行紀錄到「港康碼」系統,然後於「港康碼」網站登入系統獲取「港康碼」。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/09/P2021120900237.htm 2. 政府收緊發現Omicron個案地區的登機及檢疫要求 政府公布,按全球最新2019冠狀病毒病疫情發展 , 於以下日子指明相關地區為A組指明地區,收緊相關抵港人士的登機及檢疫要求 · 於十二月十二日凌晨零時起:愛沙尼亞和烏干達 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/09/P2021120900552.htm · 於十二月十三日凌晨零時起:古巴、科威特和列支敦士登 同時,因應在機場的「檢測待行」發現從目前已屬A組指明地區的美國入境的個案帶有Omicron變異病毒株,政府對從美國抵港的人士實施最嚴格的檢疫要求。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/10/P2021121000773.htm · 於十二月十四日凌晨零時起:塞浦路斯、約旦及黎巴嫩 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/11/P2021121100749.htm · 於十二月十五日凌晨零時起:毛里求斯和塞拉利昂 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/12/P2021121200508.htm 3. 政府更新認可疫苗接種紀錄地區名單 政府已與老撾、墨西哥、蒙古、阿曼和卡塔爾政府完成商討,將認可該等地區發出的疫苗接種紀錄,作為曾於A組指明地區逗留的香港居民的認可疫苗紀錄。政府亦將接受曾逗留A組指明地區的香港居民持薩爾瓦多所發出的疫苗接種紀錄登機來港。相關安排將由十二月十五日(星期三)凌晨零時起實施。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/13/P2021121300789.htm 4. 第四十一輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開 政府宣布,第四十一輪安老院、殘疾人士院舍及護養院員工強制檢測即將展開。 詳情可參閱 : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202112/10/P2021120900481.htm 更多新冠疫苗資訊: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署
14 Dec, 2021