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Audit Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. The Audit Committee will play an advisory role and report directly to Council.
  2. It will perform a review of the University's annual accounts, focusing on the adequacy and fairness of disclosure, before its submission to Council for approval.
  3. It will be responsible for ensuring that an appropriate control environment is maintained, that risks are identified and appropriate controls implemented to address the risks, and that such controls are functioning effectively.
  4. It will satisfy itself that external and internal audits are functioning effectively.
  5. It will approve the appointment or re-appointment of external auditors.
  6. It will meet with, as necessary, the external auditors and assess key audit findings, and with internal auditors and receive copies of all internal audit reports.
  7. It may be invited to assist Council in addressing other relevant issues that might emerge from time to time.
  8. It will invite relevant units and executives of the University to support its work.



Ms Vena CHENG Wei-yan
A lay member of Council with appropriate expertise, excluding
those serving on other Council Standing Committees, appointed by Council Chairman


The Hon. Kenneth FOK Kai-kong, JP 
Ir Dr Derrick PANG Yat-bond, JP
Two lay members of Council with appropriate expertise, excluding
those serving on other Council Standing Committees, appointed by Council Chairman

Secretary: Ms Eva CHIU Sau-chun
Director of Internal Audit
Resource Person: Mr Ken LAM Chee-ken
Director of Finance
Assistant Secretary: Ms Shirley CHEUNG Mei-mun
Assistant Director of Internal Audit


Whistle-blowing Policy

The University has developed the Whistle-blowing Policy to provide PolyU community and our stakeholders with an overarching framework on the reporting channels and arrangements to achieve transparency and uphold integrity in all aspects of the University operations.  The Audit Committee is responsible to periodically review the Policy and recommend appropriate revisions for Council to consider and approve.

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