Our Specialization
Composite & Fabrication Stream focus on strong lightweight structures that utilize composite materials and joining techniques. We manufacture FRP, bonded composites, metal-to-composites, and welded metal coupons for tensile, compression and bending test. We computerize characterized material to simulate load conditions and simulate production workflow for optimized manufacturing. We employ Autoclave curing, robotic welding, CNC sheet metal forming to meet tight tolerances, and fatigue test, environmental test to evaluate component limits. We measure component damages by X-Ray, ultrasonic test, eddy current, penetrant, magnetic particle tests, and resume structural performance using bonded, bolted repair techniques with alignment to aviation, construction, ASTM and ISO standards.

Destructive Testing & Non-destructive Testing Major Facilities
Facilities are available for e-booking. For more information on the facilities specification, please contact Composites and Fabrication Stream or its workshop directly.
Learn more on our facilities booking service.

Elevated Temperature Servohydraulic Universal Testing Machine for Destructive Characterization
Location: W103g
Category: Inspection
- Max. Load: ±250kN
- Actuator stroke: ±75mm Furnaces
- Max. Temp.: 1050°C
- Heating Zone: Ø90mm x 300mm
- Range of Flat Grips: 1 to 42mm thickness, flat jaw faces
- Range of Cylindrical Grips: Ø5 to 34mm, vee jaw faces
- Elevated temperature pull rod's adaptor:
- M20 threaded adaptor
- M12 threaded adaptor
- M8 threaded adaptor
- 8mm button-headed adaptor
- 5mm button-headed adaptor
- Built-in strain measurement
- Ambient temperature
- 25mm gauge length extensometer
- 5mm gauge length crack opening displacement gauge
- 120/350Ω, 4 channels Quarter-bridge strain gauge
- ±15mm travel LVDT
- Elevated temperature (Max 1000°C)
- 12.5 mm guage length
- 25 mm guage length extensometer

Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine for Destructive Characterization
Location: W103f
Category: Inspection
- Max. Load: 100kN
- ASTM D3039/D3039M, ASTM D1002, ASTM 638, ASTM E8/E8M tensile test
- ASTM D2344/D2344M Compression, 3-pt bending
- ASTM D7249/D7249M Compression, 4-pt bending
- Real-time data logging and report function
- Built-in strain measurement
- 25mm gauge length extensometer
- 120 Ω, 4 channels Quarter-bridge strain gauge
- Advanced Video Extensometer (AVE)
- Digital Image Correlation (DIC)

Servohydraulic Universal Testing Machine for Destructive Characterization*
Location: W103g
Category: Inspection- Support Dynamic Load testing in Tension, Compression & Torsion
- Max. Load (Axial/ Torsional): 25kN / 250 Nm
- Support Standard Testing Methods in ASTM E8/E8M and D638 (Tension), ASTM E466, ASTM E606/E606M, ASTME2207, ISO1099 & ISO 12106
- Provide real-time data logging and report function
- Support arbitrary testing regime

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector for Non-destructive Evaluation
Location: W103a
Category: Inspection- Employ ASTM standards
- Employ Airbus and BOEING composite reference blocks
- Applicable on composites, metals and welded joints
- Applicable on planar and tubular geometries
- Provide A-scan, B-scan, C-scan, L-scan and S-scan
- Provide real-time data logging and report function
- Pulse-echo, immersion, through transmission and angle beam setup with single crystals: 1M-20MHz
- Contact, angled, immersion wheel setup with phase array probes: 16-64 channels, 3.5M-5MHz

Imaging Bond Tester for Non-destructive Evaluation
Location: W103a
Category: Inspection**temporarily unavailable**
- Suited for Honeycomb sandwiched composites, GLARE and dissimilar metal structures
- Employ Pitch-catch and MIA methods: 250-1.5MHz
- Provide C-scan for bond testing
- Real-time data logging and report function
- Max. Part size: 460 x 460mm

Liquid Penetration Inspection for Non-destructive Evaluation
Location: W105
Category: Inspection- Employ ASTM standards
- Detect surface pitting and hair-cracks
- Provide high sensitivity method: Immersion fluorescent system with hydrophilic emulsifier
- Provide general sensitivity method: spray system

Eddy Current Flaw Detector for Non-destructive Evaluation
Location: W103a
Category: Inspection- Employ ASTM standards
- Applicable on Ferrous and non-ferrous metals
- Provide surface crack detection: 200kHz
- Provide near-surface flaw detection: 300-100kHz
- Provide dual element precision: 100-500kHz
- Provide fastener Hole detection: 250-40kHz

Industrial Computed radiography (X-Ray) for Non-destructive Evaluation
Location: W001p & r
Category: Inspection- ASTM & ISO standard procedures
- For Non-metal & Metal applications
- BAM certified Digital Film Scanner
- Provides DICONDE & JPG Images
- Provides Film-base images
- 1.0mm Focal spot size
- 20 - 160 kV, 0.5 - 7.0 mA adjustment
Composites Technologies Major Facilities
Facilities are available for e-booking. For more information on the facilities specification, please contact Composites and Fabrication Stream or its workshop directly.
Learn more on our facilities booking service.

CAD for Composite Part Design and Manufacturing
Location: W001
Category: Composites
- Support Ply layout and ply zone design
- Support Darting and Staggering design
- Finite Element Analysis for composite
- Ply pattern flattening for production
- Composite manufacturing documentation

Digital Cutter for Dry Fabric & Prepreg Cutting
Location: W003
Category:Composites- For precision cutting on soft material from 2D CAD drawings (DXF or PDF)
- Max cutting width: 1300mm
- Unlimited cutting length
- Forming cut patterns on carbon fibre, aramid, prepregs, plastic films and leather

Autoclave Curing and Post-Curing Services
Location: W003
Category:Composites- For curing large 3-dimensional composite products under heat and pressure
- Support mould fabrication in CFRP
- Support custom curing profiles
- Provides data logging and report function
- Max. Part size: 1000 x 1200 x 2400mm
- Max. Part weight: 50Kg
- Autoclave specification:
- Pressurising gas: Air
- Max. vacuum: -12psi
- Max. pressure: 150psi
- Max. temperature: 250°C
- Optional local heating with heat blanket

Waterjet Machining
Location: W001
Category: Composites
- Application: Material cutting & engraving
- Material: Machines a wide range of materials and thicknesses, from metals and composites to glass and plastics
2 Axis ProtoMAX
- 300 mm x 300 mm cutting enveloped for materials up to 25 mm thick
- ±0.15 mm linear position accuracy
5 Axis waterjet Machining -Center OMAX 5555
- cutting envelope of 1.21 m x 1.21 m
- ±0.025 mm linear position accuracy

Portable Composite Repair Station
Location: W003
Category: Composites- Cure FRP with high temperature and vacuum
- Full control to temperature & vacuum levels
- Log and print complete curing history
- Require compress-air & AC power supply

Post-Production Facility for Composite Machining, Assembly and Repair
Location: W003a
Category: Composites- Employs pneumatic trimming and drilling on CFRP
- Support composite to composite bonding
- Support composite to metal bonding
- Support composite damage repair
- Equip with localised HEPA filter dust extraction systems for safe operation

Facility for Room Temperature Curing Composites
Location: W003
Category: Composites- VOC and HEPA filter mixing booth for safe and clean resin mixing
- Provide supporting materials for reinforced composite fabrications
- Support Wet-layup, Vacuum Bag Assist, and Resin Infusion techniques
- Precision Vacuum pressure control: -5psi absolute, at 1psi increment
- No restrictions to part size and weight
Welding Major Facilities
Facilities are available for e-booking. For more information on the facilities specification, please contact Composites and Fabrication Stream or its workshop directly.
Learn more on our facilities booking service.

CNERC Equipment: Robotic Welder for GMAW (MIG) and FCAW (FCA)
Location: W001f
Category: Welding
- Programmable 3D welding schematic
- Repeatable precision weld paths
- Selectable MIG or FCA techniques
- Suitable for welding steels
- Max. base material thickness: 25mm

Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) for Non-ferrous Metals
Location: W001f
Category: Welding- Suitable for performing brazing joins
- Applicable to aluminium with rough finishing
- Max. base material thickness: 25mm

Surface Tension Transfer Welding (STT) for Pipe Welding
Location: W001f
Category: Welding- Suitable for welding steel
- Max. base material thickness: 25mm

Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)*
Location: W001f
Category: Welding**temporarily unavailable**
- Suitable for welding steel
- Max. path length: 1200mm (linear)
- Max. base material thickness: 25mm

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG)
Location: W001f
Category: WeldingSuitable for welding stainless steel
- Suitable for welding aluminium
- Suitable for welding steel
- Max. base material thickness: 25mm
Performance Structure Major Facilities
Facilities are available for e-booking. For more information on the facilities specification, please contact Composites and Fabrication Stream or its workshop directly.
Learn more on our facilities booking service.

CAD for Sheet Metal Part Design and Bending Operation
Location: W001
Category: Sheet Metal
- Simulate Flat Pattern layout
- Punch tool assignment including forming, centre punch, gang, extrusion and tapping
- Press Brake bend sequence planning
- Bend relief & collision detection

CNC Press Brake for Rapid Sheet Metal Forming
Location: W001d
Category: Sheet Metal- Support folding operations at 90° and obtuse angles
- Typical bend radius: 3 & 5mm
- Support progressive bends for larger bend radius
- Max. fold line length: 2600mm
- Bend deduction method:
- 450mm open height (without clamps)
- ±0.0012mm ram repeatability
- 200mm stroke

Joining & Welding - Joining for Aviation Applications - Aluminium Skin Repair
Category: Sheet Metal
- Blind riveting - One side is accessible
- Hand rivet setter
- Solid rivet
- Rivet cutter
- Bucking bar
- Countersinking tool
- Pneumatic Rivet Gun

Joining & Welding - Joining For Sheet Metal Works
Category: Sheet Metal
- Spot welder
- Studs and pins inserts
- Hem and seams

Manual Forming Facility for Freeform Applications
Location: W001
Category: Sheet Metal- Guillotine shears for cutting
- Max. sheet width: 1200m
- Max. sheet thickness
- Steel: 1mm
- Stainless steel: 1mm
- Aluminium: 2mm
- Pan brakes for folding:
- Max. sheet width: 1020mm
- Max. sheet thickness: 2mm
- Forming Rollers for single curvature forming
- Max. sheet width: 1000mm
- Max. sheet thickness: 2mm
- Other equipment for freeform applications:
- English Wheel for compound curvatures
- Planishing hammer for freeform parts
- Shrinker-stretcher for folding curved parts
- Bead rollers for folding and reinforcing
- Hand Notcher for 90-degree corner shearing
Composites & Fabrication Stream Contacts
Area | Staff |
Stream Management | Dr CHENG Ka-po |
Composites | PANG Man-kit Peter |
Inspections |
Dr HO Mei-po Mabel |
Sheet Metal and Welding | DENG Yi-sen Sam |
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