- Departments will be consulted in the summer of 2023 regarding their interests in education research on G-AI, and in particular what aspects of LTA activities they are particularly keen to focus on initially. Examples may include the use of G-AI to enhance learning-to-learn, higher-order learning, authentic assessment, etc.
- Departments will also be invited to consider joining some coordinated studies on how they are using G-AI to help nurture their students’ competences in critical thinking, problem-solving, effective communication, social intelligence, and creativity, and the potential impacts of their efforts. A battery of validated assessments of such competences, including certain performance-based tests and self-reporting psychometric surveys, will be identified and recommended to departments for their consideration and adoption.
- Departments will be allocated with additional subsidies if they adopt the recommended assessment instruments in their studies. This way, the data collected in different studies across departments over various time periods may be more readily pooled together for further meta-analyses for the University.
- For more details, please feel free to contact Prof Arthur MAK by email: arthur.mak@polyu.edu.hk