Mechanical behavior and thermal stability of nanotwinned Al alloys
Distinguished Research Seminar Series
09 Nov 2023
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, PolyU
09:30 - 11:00
Online via ZOOM
Prof. Xinghang Zhang
Meeting link will be sent to successful registrants
Twin boundaries in nanotwinned metals have been intensively investigated as they improve the mechanical strength and ductility of metallic materials. In this study, we review recent studies on several nanotwinned Al alloys, where incoherent twin boundaries play a decisive role in tailoring the strength, plastic deformability and anisotropy of nanotwinned alloys. We will discuss the fundamental deformation mechanisms in nanotwinned Al alloys unpinned by these twin boundaries. Furthermore, certain solutes have been shown to improve the thermal stability of nanotwinned microstructures significantly. We will discuss the criteria for selection of solutes that improve the thermal stability of nanotwinned alloys. This work highlights the possibilities for further improvement of mechanical strength and thermal stability of nanotwinned Al alloys. I will also discuss the graduate school opportunities at Purdue University.
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Xinghang Zhang
Professor and Graduate Admission Chair
School of Materials Engineering,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, US.
Xinghang Zhang obtained his Ph.D. from North Carolina State University in 2001, MS from Institute of Metal Research, and BS from Jilin University. He was a Director’s postdoctoral fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory for 2 years. After spending 12 years at Texas A&M University, he joined Purdue University in 2016. He is the Graduate Admission Chair at Purdue’s School of Materials Engineering. Zhang’s team excels at radiation damage and mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline, nanotwinned, and nanolayered metals, nanostructured ceramic materials and additive manufacturing. Together with his graduate students and colleagues, they have published more than 300 journal articles. He has delivered numerous invited talks internationally. Among more than 20 of his Ph.D. students graduated so far, many have become faculty at university or scientists at national laboratories He is the former Chair of the Nanomechanical Behavior of Materials Committee at the TMS, and an associate editor for Science Advances. Zhang has received numerous research awards, including National Science Foundation’s Early Career award (2007) and TMS Brimacombe award (2018). Zhang is an ASM Fellow and can be reached at
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