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BEng (Hons) Scheme in Product Innovation and Smart Manufacturing
BEng (Hons) Scheme in Product Innovation and Smart Manufacturing 產品創新及智能製造(榮譽)工學士組合課程 (JUPAS Code : JS3236) (BEng Scheme PISM ... 程 (JUPAS Code : JS3236) (BEng Scheme PISM) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Smart Manufacturing 智能製造(榮譽)工學士 (BEng SM) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in P ...
Physics-Based Sensing and Machine Learning for Smart Manufacturing
Smart Remanufacturing - A focus on robotic disassembly as an enabling technology
Unlocking the Potential of the Twin Transition towards Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing
Webinar on “Robotics Technologies for Smart Logistics and Enterprise”