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Webinar by KMP on Developing Business and Relational Success

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Webinar by KMP:  Developing Business and Relational Success


This is an online event by KMP, hosted by PMCS and in collaborations with other organizations.  A speaker Mr. Marco Blankenburgh from KnowledgeWorkx was invited to lead this event in the area of Intercultural Intelligence (ICI).

Following the pandemic and a globally turbulent year, it comes to our attention how we should continue to run the business forward for growth and sustainability.  No doubts there are a lot of challenges both locally and globally in front of us.  What areas of development and investment we should be prepared, or be equipped?

From a knowledge management perspective, it is important to look at intellectual capital, specifically human and relational capital. We see a lot of challenges around us and in different parts of the world, particularly regarding how to build trust and relationships internally and externally, locally and globally. To successfully interact with others and build relational success we must go beyond a superficial nationality-driven understanding of culture.

This requires us to elevate our thinking and equip ourselves to explore each person's unique cultural wiring; we call it “Self-Cultural Analysis”. We have organized an online webinar on the topic of Developing Business and Relational Success. Based on the Inter-Cultural Intelligence (ICI) methodology, it illuminates the relationships between your, your colleagues', company and national culture.

ICI looks at every person as a uniquely wired cultural human being (self-cultural analysis). It is crucial to first connect with your own cultural preferences and then use that to connect more effectively with people around you. In fact, this is an important skill for professional and leadership development, especially in the higher levels. Inter-Cultural Intelligence is certainly an area of attention for personal development apart from IQ and EQ.  It is about what drives actions, and hence changes.

Date 14 January 2021 (Thursday)
Time 8:00 - 9:30 pm
Format Online through Zoom
Capacity capacity is limited due to resources in break-out session management
Language English


About the Speaker

Mr. Marco Blankenburgh, International Director, KnowledgeWorkx

Expert in Equipping Leaders and Teams for Relational Success in a diverse and intercultural world

  • Masters in Economics and Strategic Marketing
  • Certified Behavioral Consultant to certify others and apply Wiley tools like Everything DiSC, Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team and The Leadership Circle Profile
  • Certified IES (Intercultural Effectiveness Scale) and GCI (Global Competency Inventory) Practitioner developed by the Kozal Group
  • Certified "High Performance Learning Journey" Architect
  • Certified Inter-Cultural Intelligence Practitioner (master Facilitator and ICI Consultant)


Marco is the founder and director of KnowledgeWorkx. KnowledgeWorkx has expanded into working in 40 countries around the world. His ability to converse in Arabic, German, English, and Dutch, together with the creation and development of a unique coaching methodology, sets him apart from other consultants in this competitive field. Marco has become an expert in understanding the relationship building process among people and uses ICI to underpin his work in strategic consulting, change management, leadership development and executive coaching.

Marco has vast experience in leadership development of senior executives in large international companies, and following are some of his tracked examples:

  • Developed and now delivering a 3 year leadership development program for a large national oil company in the GCC
  • Developed and delivered a team development journey for UNICEF and UNFPA teams
  • Developed and currently rolling out a leadership development program for global high-net-worth account leaders at EY
  • Developed and currently delivering joint projects with KPMG on leadership capacity building, and leadership and team development
  • Worked with an energy sector government department to align the competencies and of the leadership team to effectively implement the national government strategy on sustainable energy.
  • Performance coaching as part of the Kore Venture program working with the rising generation of Ultra High Net Worth families.
  • Developed and rolled out an Africa-Middle-East HR-leadership program to increase the HR leadership effectiveness and team collaboration across 40 countries.






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