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Research Projects

BAKE is actively engaged in research and scholarly activities in specific KM research area. BAKE is pioneered in research and practice of KM in various industrial sectors and prestigious companies.

Project TitleType
A Clustered Approach to Develop Quality Knowledge Repository Using a Community-based Wiki Environment (PI: Prof. Eric TSUI)
A Customisable Knowledge Map for the design and delivery of Blended Learning subjects at PolyU Advisory Committee on eLearning Grant
A Hybrid Approach for Hierarchical Text Classification Based on Document Profile and Probability Based Term Weights (PI: Dr. Ying LIU, Co-I: Dr. Aixin SUN)
A Joint E-learning/MOOC platform for Hong Kong's Tertiary Education Sector  UGC Funded
A Knowledge-based Approach for Strategic Planning and Management for Manufacturers in Hong Kong PolyU Research Grants
A Knowledge-based Case Management System for Positive Intervention in Non-government Social Welfare Organisations PolyU Research Grants
A Multi-faceted and Autonomous Knowledge Elicitation System (MAKES) for Enhancing the Automation of Knowledge Auditing Process for Unstructured Information  Central Research Grant
A Prototype System for the Elicitation, Ranking and Phased Deployment of Collaborative Technologies in Organisations Internal Competitive Research Fund
A Public Service Platform for Modern Industrial Design of Machinery and Equipment Guangdong and Hong Kong Key Breakthrough Areas Project
A Text-mining and Ontology-based Multi-Agent System (TOMAS) for Supporting Technology Development Internal Competitive Research Grant
Capacity Building through Knowledge Sharing - An Action Research Project on Developing Collaborative Knowledge Management Systems among Small NGOs in Hong Kong  Interfaculty Internal Competitive Research Grant
Capturing, Sharing and Re-using Lessons to Improve Multi-stakeholder Learning in Construction Projects (PI: Dr. Patrick FONG)
Computational Organizational Narrative Simulation for Decision Support General Research Grant 
Construction and Industry Development and the Knowledge-based Economy: A Cross-country Comparison (PI: Dr. Patrick FONG)
Construction Industry Development and the Knowledge-Based Economy: A Cross-Country Comparison  Block Grant except CRG
Creating Transactional Spaces for Knowledge Exchange in Sustainability Issues: Case Studies of Hong Kong's Urban Environment (PI: Dr. Patrick FONG)
Design and Development of a Knowledge Repository for a Supply Chain Integrator based on Dynamic Taxonomy PolyU Research Grants
Designing a Knowledge Portal for a Construction Contracting Organization PolyU Research Grants
Designing Knowledge Workplaces:  A Multi-dimensional Approach UGC Funded
Development of a Hybrid Knowledge Navigation System Utilizing Top-down and Bottom-up Tagging Mechanisms PolyU Research Grants
Development of a Multi-perspective Knowledge-based System for Enterprise Resources Planning PolyU Research Grants
Development of a Prototype System for the elicitation, ranking, and phased deployment of technologies for supporting collaborative Knowledge Work in Organisations PolyU Departmental Research Funds
Development of a UMLS-integrated Ontology-based Similar ePR Search Engine (Co-I: Dr. Ying LIU)
Development of an Agent-oriented Platform for the Knowledge Integration in a Multifaceted KM System PolyU Research Grants
Document Profile Model: Semantic Based Modeling of Textual Documents (PI: Dr. Ying LIU)
Dynamics of Knowledge Sharing in Professional Services Organisations in Construction: Implications for Utilisation of Knowledge Management Systems  Central Research Grant
Enhancing Personal KM and Peer-to-Peer Interactions on the WebCT Vista Environment PolyU eLDSS
Extending Learn@PolyU as a Learning Management System that Supports Gamification, Social and Lifelong Learning Learning and Teaching Committee Grant
Facilitating Knowledge Sharing in Construction Organizations in Mainland China: The Importance of Groups and Personal Networks  Central Research Grant
Intelligent Reporting of Organizational Intellectual Capital via an Extensible Architecture for Value Mapping of Intangible Assets   General Research Grant 
Intra and Inter-project Learning and Knowledge Management in Construction Projects  Central Research Grant
Investigating and Formulating Policies for Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Strategies in Six Key Industries: Propelling Hong Kong towards a Knowledge-based Economy Central Research Grant
Know and Education Exchange Platform (KEEP) UGC Funded
Knowledge Creation in Multidisciplinary Project Teams in Construction Central Research Grant
Knowledge Management for Value Management Teams: A Scoping Study  UGC Funded
Knowledge Networking in Construction, Industrial and Professional Setting: An Empirical Investigation PolyU Research Grants
Learning and Practising Knowledge Harnessing and Sharing Techniques in the WebCT Vista Environment EDC  
Linking Organizational Semantics with Innovation and Performance Competitive Research Grants
On Relating Online Reviews to Quality Function Deployment in Engineering Design  RGC General Research Fund
Ontological Mapping for Personal E-Learning and Data Mining Applications  Departmental General Research Funds 
Organizational-Learning, Inter-Organizational-Alliance, Social-Service-Administration  Central Research Grant
Strategic Knowledge Management Implementation System for Construction Organizations Operating in Hong Kong  Block Grant
Study of Virtual Collaborative Network Manufacturing PolyU Research Grants
The Role of Business and Social Ties in Organizational Knowledge Sharing: A Comparative Study of How Relationships and Networks are Formed in Three Construction Firms  Central Research Grant
The Use of Stories and Storytelling as Knowledge Sharing Practices in the Construction Industry: Bringing Project / Organisational Experiences to Life for Learning and Development RGC General Research Fund
Use of Web 2.0 tools to create a co-learning environment among students and teachers  (PI: Prof. Eric Tsui)