About Us
About Us
Dr Carman K.M. Lee PhD (PolyU), BEng(PolyU), MIET, MIEEE Research Areas: Industry 4.0, RFID/IoT Application, Cyber Physical System, Data Mining Techniques, Swam Intelligence Optimization, Logistics Information System
Prof. W.B. Lee MTech (Brun), PhD (HKU), CEng, MIEE, MHKIE Research Areas: Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Materials Processing, Ultra-precision Machining, Advanced Optics Manufacturing, Manufacturing Strategy
Dr Eric P. Zheng PhD (UoA), Meng(BUAA), BEng(HUST), MIEEE, MASME, MCMES Research Areas: Smart Product-Service Systems, Engineering Design Informatics, Smart Manufacturing and Digital Servitization
Dr Paul Y.P. Tsang PhD (PolyU), BSc (PolyU), MHKLA, MIEEE Research Areas: Industrial Blockchain, Industrial Internet of Things, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Cold Chain Management, E-commerce Logistics
- Mr Chi-Wo Lam Senior Scientific Officer chiwo.lam@polyu.edu.hk +852 2766 6571
- Dr Felix Ng Scientific Officer felix.ng@polyu.edu.hk +852 2766 4143
- Mr David Kuo Technical Officer david.kuo@polyu.edu.hk +852 2766 6616
- Miss Grace S.Y. Chung Project Assistant grace.sy.chung@polyu.edu.hk +852 2766 6584
- Ms Haonan Wang Research Student haonan.wang@connect.polyu.hk
- Ms Misbah Iqbal Research Student misbah.iqbal@connect.polyu.hk
- Ms Tong Zhu Research Student iristong.zhu@connect.polyu.hk
- Ms Wenqin Zhao Research Student wenqin.zhao@connect.polyu.hk
- Ms Zhefan Hou Research Student 22071274r@connect.polyu.hk
- Mr Tom K.T. Chung Research Student kwoktung.chung@connect.polyu.hk
- Dr Dicky K.L. Keung Postdoctoral Fellow keungkinlok@aidlab.hk
- Dr Zhonghao Zhao Postdoctoral Fellow zhongh.zhao@connect.polyu.hk
Laboratory Members
Laboratory Staff
PhD Candidates
Laboratory Staff - Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design Limited (AiDLab)