Signing ceremony of MoU with WSS Infocard Systems cum Seminar on RFID Applications of Intelligent Transportation Systems and Waste Management
May 3, 2013
PolyU Campus
-Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
-WSS Infocard Systems
-WSS Infocard Systems
A signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and WSS Infocard Systems was hosted, which confirmed the collaboration relationship. Technology transfer activities would be also undertaken.

Internet of Things (IoT) Symposium - Enabling Hong Kong as a Smart City
April 17, 2013
Hong Kong Science Park
- Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI)
- GS1 Hong Kong
- Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies (LSCM R&D Centre)
- GS1 Hong Kong
- Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies (LSCM R&D Centre)
The adoption of the Internet of Things is advancing. It is the integration of information and communications technologies and decision analysis. It helps to enhance areas such as logistics, healthcare, transportation, food safety, home automation, etc. for the benefit of our daily life.
Now it is the time for executives across all industries to structure their thoughts about the potential impact and opportunities likely to emerge from the underlying technologies of IoT. It is estimated that the IoT will involve 50 billion connected devices in 2020.
The Symposium, which is one of the IF Fest events, aims at promoting the development and application of IoT in Hong Kong, overseas and Mainland China, linking user experience with business application, and fostering collaboration and interaction of technology and its application between technology partners and commercial sectors.
The event will feature speakers from Chinese goverment authority, commercial and research institutes for a series of keynote presentations in the morning and 3 parallel tracks to cover related technology, industry solutions and applications in vertical market in the afternoon.
Now it is the time for executives across all industries to structure their thoughts about the potential impact and opportunities likely to emerge from the underlying technologies of IoT. It is estimated that the IoT will involve 50 billion connected devices in 2020.
The Symposium, which is one of the IF Fest events, aims at promoting the development and application of IoT in Hong Kong, overseas and Mainland China, linking user experience with business application, and fostering collaboration and interaction of technology and its application between technology partners and commercial sectors.
The event will feature speakers from Chinese goverment authority, commercial and research institutes for a series of keynote presentations in the morning and 3 parallel tracks to cover related technology, industry solutions and applications in vertical market in the afternoon.
International Information & Communication Technology Expo 2013
April 13-16, 2013
Booth No. 3G-C08, Hall 3, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The project team was invited to be an exhibitor in this event. We promote our RFID technology applications to the public and the industries.

Java Talk: Java and Raspberry Pi
March 14, 2013
Room M110, Core M, PolyU Campus
Hong Kong Java User Group
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In this month gathering, we will take a look at different options of running Java on Raspberry Pi, and how you can start experimenting. We will also have a couple of Raspberry Pi running Java app server as a demo.
We will also going to use this opportunity to discuss what our members would like to see HKJUG do and also how to encourage participation in our events.
For event agenda and online registration, please click here.
We will also going to use this opportunity to discuss what our members would like to see HKJUG do and also how to encourage participation in our events.
For event agenda and online registration, please click here.
HK U-21 RFID Awards 2013 - Young Talents' Projects Sharing Seminar
February 8, 2013
BC302, 3/F., Core B, PolyU Campus
GS1 Hong Kong
- Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The event aims to share the U-21 RFID Awards winning cases and enable the young talents to expose real life business implementation to further understand RFID technology development and the emerging Internet of Things (IoT).
At the event, we will also kick off our HK U-21 RFID Awards 2013 campaign to introduce the awards categories, the entry requirements, the judging panel, our track records etc to the potential participants from all local institutes.
For online registration, please click here.
At the event, we will also kick off our HK U-21 RFID Awards 2013 campaign to introduce the awards categories, the entry requirements, the judging panel, our track records etc to the potential participants from all local institutes.
For online registration, please click here.