Seminar on “Catching up the trend of Smarter Business” Discovering Opportunities and Challenged from Radio Frequency Identification to Internet of Things
November 26, 2015
Room CF401, PolyU
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Speakers shared the lastest trend of adapting the RFID technology into business with CEOs. Participants had a better understanding on the pros and cons on RFID.

Citi Mobile Challenge (HKSTP)
November 12, 2015
Hong Kong Science Park
Citigroup Inc.
The project team was invited to be an exhibitor in this event. We promote our RFID technology applications to the public and the industries.

Seminar on “ Industry 4.0: Trend and Business Opportunity from Internet of Things (IoT) to Smart Factory”
November 6, 2015
PolyU Campus
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr Carman K.M. Lee, Assistant Professor of ISE, and Mr Burly K. Tan, Technical Officer of ISE, were invited to present the development of Internet of Things in China, the evolution from industry 1.0 to 4.0, and also the application of Internet of Things, Big Data and Cloud Computing.

Hong Kong Electronic Fair
October 13, 2015
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
The project team was invited to be an exhibitor in this event. We promote our RFID technology applications to the public and the industries.