Media interview: RFID-based Drug Management and Electronic Nursing Service Management Systems
May 12, 2016
PolyU Campus
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In a press conference, Dr. George Ho, Teaching Fellow of ISE, shared two developed Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-based smart healthcare systems, namely 1) a drug management system and 2) an electronic nursing service management system. The former system tracks drugs records from the beginning of drug replenishing to dispensing process to enhance drug and patient safeties with alert warnings when expired drug, drug allergy, contraindications and error in dispensing are detected. The latter is an electronic information system which enables the management, recording and tracking of nursing services information with real-time service monitoring, alert and reporting features. It aims to relieve workload and pressure of frontline practitioners, and enhance efficiency and quality of nursing services. The systems apply technologies including RFID, Near Field Communication (NFC), cloud computing and Wifi network which are readily available in healthcare institutions. Seamlessly operation merging is one of the distinctive features in system design, which is easy to use without affecting the current workflow nor increasing workload. In addition, with user-friendly interfaces tailor-made for healthcare workers in different capacities, a real improvement in operation efficiency and monitoring capability can be achieved. Both systems are applicable in healthcare institutions including hospitals, infirmary units, rehabilitation centres, elderly nursing homes, clinics, etc. The research team intends to explore the application in managing nursing services and smart healthcare.

HK International Medical Devices and Supplies Fair 2016
May 3, 2016
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
The project team was invited to be an exhibitor in this event. We promote our RFID technology applications to the public and the industries.

Media interview: RFID-based Green Management System
March 1, 2016
PolyU Campus
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In an interview, Dr. Carman Lee, Assistant Professor of ISE, shared her research on RFID-based Green Management Information Platform for Centralized Dishwashing Service Providers to tackle manpower shortage of the catering industry. With an integrated application of RFID, IoT/M2M and Cloud Computing technologies, the platform provides a one-stop solution for real-time tracking and monitoring of process status of dishes. Overall logistics management will be improved with enhanced data transparency among clients and factory operators. It is expected that the platform will increase productivity of a centralized dish washing factory by 15% and reduce manpower by 10-15%. The research team is planning to extend the application to fleet management, and also to other hygiene and waste management industries such as consumed edible oil management and laundry service.
Global Food & Safety Technology Forum 2016
February 3, 2016
Hotel ICON, Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Global Food Safety and Technology Forum aims at enhancing synergy among all food safety stakeholders to embark on science-and-technology driven collaborative initiatives. GFSTF invigorates interactive and pragmatic exchanges among the industry, government and academia on how to enhance global readiness and technical competence in tackling food safety problems.

1st runner-up in the Most Favourite PolyU Research News of 2015
February 2, 2016
PolyU Campus
Communications and Public Affairs Office, PolyU
The Most Favourite PolyU Research News of 2015 is a Facebook campaign that inviting the public to vote to the shortlisted research news via the PolyU’s social media platform. In 2015, PolyU has published more than 30 innovation and pragmatic research findings in media and 10 of the most representative research news are selected for the competition.
Dr. Andrew Ip, Dr. George Ho, Mr. Burly Tan and Mr. Gabriel Lee, the key inventors of the project entitled “IoT-based Advanced Automobile Parking Navigation Platform”, won the top prizes in the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. The achievement was then published widely in media by PolyU, and this research news was even shortlisted to compete in a Facebook campaign for the title of “Most Favourite PolyU Research News of 2015”. Among almost 500 comments and votes collected, the project team finally won the 1st runner-up, with a lot of supportive feedbacks showing the positive impacts of the project on the community, in the campaign.
Dr. Andrew Ip, Dr. George Ho, Mr. Burly Tan and Mr. Gabriel Lee, the key inventors of the project entitled “IoT-based Advanced Automobile Parking Navigation Platform”, won the top prizes in the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. The achievement was then published widely in media by PolyU, and this research news was even shortlisted to compete in a Facebook campaign for the title of “Most Favourite PolyU Research News of 2015”. Among almost 500 comments and votes collected, the project team finally won the 1st runner-up, with a lot of supportive feedbacks showing the positive impacts of the project on the community, in the campaign.