Opening ceremony of the IET-PolyU Mentorship programme 2018
November 09, 2018
Room FJ404, PolyU Campus
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In the mentorship programme, mentors who have over 10 years of working experience from a wide range of discipline will provide mentor services for students to plan their carrer path.

Asia International Innovation Invention Award and Exhibition 2018
October 24-26, 2018
1/F, HKPC Building
Hong Kong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries
Hong Kong Federation of Invention and Innovation
The competition is held by FITMI to appreciate the company or poject team which create the innovative solution to benefit the society. We are one of the participant to promote our latest innovative solutions – "Industrial IoT-based Smart Robotic Warehouse Management System" to the public.

Hong Kong Electronic Fair 2018 (Autumn Edition)
October 13-16, 2018
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
The project team was invited to be an exhibitor in this event. We promote our latest innovative solutions – "Industrial IoT-based Smart Robotic Warehouse Management System" and "Cloud-based Cyber-Physical Logistics System for Cross-border E-commerce Industry" to the public

PolyU Education Info Day 2018
October 06, 2018
PolyU Campus
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Our RFID-enabled solutions were presented to students and the public.

RobEX Centre soft opening
August 28, 2018
RobEx Centre, S071, 12W, Hong Kong Science Park
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
RV Automation Technology Company Limited, Altai Technologies Limited, Master Dynamic Limited & QBS System Limited
The RobEx Centre is a revolution to traditional warehousing and logistics operations with its fully unmanned and automated capability. It has the ability to operate 24/7 as well as reduce the need of menial and physically demanding human labour. The smart warehousing system calculates and maximises the use of space within the venue, a much-needed ability in land-scarce Hong Kong. Big data analysis helps in scaling its warehousing services to take into account peak hours, impact of weather on delivery times, and reduce human errors in storing and delivery of parcels. Facial recognition technology is utilised for enhanced security.