Seminar on "AI/Robot in Logistics and Supply Chain"
August 10, 2019
Room BC302, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The IET Hong Kong – Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Section (MIES)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE)
MILES Alumni Association, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Robotics is proposed to achieve accuracy, efficiency, consistency and safety in industrial operations. It is expected that the development of advanced manufacturing industries using robotics will be the driving force of the upgrading and transformation of manufacturing industries to smart production in Hong Kong. This seminar has invited experts to share their professional knowledge in smart logistics applications with the use of AI technologies. Real application cases will also be introduced to the audience.

The 3rd IEOM European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2019)
July 23-26, 2019
Park Hotel Pilsen, Czech Republic
IEOM Society
Congratulations to Dr. Carman K.M. Lee and Mr. Lo Cheung Yu have received the Second Place of IEOM Undergraduate Research Competition Award for their paper entitled "A Scalable Approach for Vehicle Routing Problem with Reinforcement Learning". The paper aims to minimize the time required for vehicle routing by designing a nearly optimal routing path. The performance of the reinforcement learning model is obtained using a sequence to sequence deep learning network trained by policy gradient with the losses calculated by the REINFORCE algorithm. The model can be integrated into logistics systems for optimizing the operational efficiency.

2019 UNESCO Summer Youth Programme
July 15-26, 2019
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University & The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Through Project-based Learning, students can develop their interests and learn the latest information technologies. In addition, through physical training exercises, seminars, talks and touring, students can learn team building, leadership skills and communication skills. Meanwhile, they are introduced critical thinking skills and the latest scientific knowledge for holistic development.

Meet & Drink (For FENG Alumni)
July 11, 2019
Alumni Atrium, Core A, PolyU
Faculty of Engineering
We promote our IIoT-based Smart Robotic Warehouse Management System to the public and the industries.

ANG Breakfast Sharing Session
July 08, 2019
AIA Kowloon Tower, Kwun Tong
Apparel Networking Group
We promote our IIoT-based Smart Robotic Warehouse Management System to the public and the industries.