Industrial and Systems Engineering Management Innovation Project Competition 2021
November 5, 2021
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers - Hong Kong
Miss LI Wen Jun (Fiona), who is a graduate of BSc(hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management, received 2nd Runner Up Award in the “Industrial and Systems Engineering Management Innovation Project Competition 2021”, a competition organized by the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers – Hong Kong. Fiona won the award with her final year project titled “An Intelligent Supply Chain Performance Measurement System based on SCOR model, Circular Economy, and E-Business Effectiveness”, which was supervised by Dr Carman Lee and Dr Paul Tsang. Also, Miss WONG Sze Wing, Mr. Luk Kwok To, Mr. Yeh Mau Wong who are the student from BSc(hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management also received the Merit in this competition, with the project titled “A Multi-Group Analysis of Consumer-based Brand Equity Model and Customer Loyalty between Traditional and Electronic Loyalty Program”, which was supervised by Dr Carman Lee.

Opening ceremony of the IET-PolyU Mentorship Programme 2021
October 27, 2021
Online & FJ404
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
PolyU-IET Mentorship Programme 2021/22 was organized by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). The commencement of the programme was held through Zoom and in FJ404 on 27 October 2021. This year, we have invited 10 mentors who have over 10 years of working experience from a wide range of discipline to provide practical advice and guidance on our year 3 and 4 students' readiness to enter the workplace. This programme allows students to network with business leaders and industry experts, explore career potentials, improve career-related skills, and seek constructive advice on professional and personal development.

Junior Research Mentoring Programme 2021
July 5, 2021 - August 18, 2021
Academic Registry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Junior Research Mentoring Programme is designed for secondary students who are interested in learning about the concepts of Internet-of-Things (IoT), mobile app development, Raspberry Pi, Flotilla Software, and Python to design a smart product. Besides, they carried out multiple market research techniques and evaluated the results through multiple data visualization software. Throughout the 2-month programme, students have developed a plant care app that notifies users about the condition of the plant with the aid of sensors to collect data about the growing environment and customize the best watering pattern. It also reminds users when the plant is abnormal and suggests actions to solve it.

STEM Internship Scheme- Summer 2021
June 15, 2021 - August 12, 2021
Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), HKSAR Government
Department of the Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The STEM Internship Scheme provides an opportunity for our undergraduate students to develop their talents and experience in different fields: "Data Analytics for Smart Manufacturing/Enterprise" and "Social Robot for Service Industry". They are encouraged to use analytical tools to prepare data reports and data visualizations for the decision-making process, and feasibility studies on using machine/deep learning techniques for solving specific tasks. In the data analytics research, the one of the interns successfully developed an App prototype based on a real case study for the workers to improve the process efficiency. Another intern has studied the algorithms and programming related to virtual simulations and physical robots in order to utilize full robotic arm potential to deal with radioactive materials in nuclear plants.

Webinar: Robotics Technologies for Smart Logistics and Enterprise
March 27, 2021
Online and CF401 for webinar recording
The IET Hong Kong – Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Section (MIES)
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MILES Alumni Association Limited, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Technological advancement, digital transformation, and computational intelligence foster industrial growth in human-computer interactions and influence workplace with regard to safety, performance, and quality. To overcome labor shortages, reduce human errors and deliver reliable customer service, robotics technologies are proposed. It is expected that the development of advanced logistics industry using robotics will be the driving force of the upgrading and transformation of logistics industry to smart production in Hong Kong. This seminar has invited experts to share their professional knowledge in smart logistics applications with the use of AI technologies. Real application cases will also be introduced to the audience. Over 100 audience attended the webinar and found the sharing very interesting and fruitful.