Talk: Adoption of Reinforcement Learning for EV Charging Station Network Planning and Operations
November 9, 2023
IEEE Malaysia Chapter Section
This talk introduces a new dynamic pricing framework for EV charging stations that can offer multiple charging options to customers over a finite time horizon. The charging price can be dynamically adjusted to maximize the quality of service (QoS) with a differentiated service requirement level (SRL) whenever the arrival rates and queuing system capacities of the charging systems are given at the end of a time period. The dynamic pricing problem is formulated as a finite-discrete horizon Markov decision process (MDP) with a mixed state space. A customized deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach is employed to solve the examined EV dynamic pricing problem. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

MoU Ceremony of IET-PolyU Mentorship Programme
November 2, 2023
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Institute of Engineering and Technology and Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of PolyU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to help ISE students in Industrial and Systems Engineering gain valuable experience and insights from t experienced mentors. This year, we have almost 25 mentees participating in the IET-PolyU Mentorship Programme, with 9 mentors who have more than 10 years of industry experience from various fields. During the mentorship kick-off ceremony, Mr. Cola Lam, an alumni of BEng (Hons) of Product Engineering with Marketing and secretary of IET Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Section (MIES), provided an inspiring talk for mentees and shared his professional experience of career path development. Mentors interacted with the students and offered valuable advice during the networking session.

Fashion X AI: 2022-2023 International Salon
September 6-22, 2023
Fabrica X, London
Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Royal College of Art
Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab), jointly established by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Royal College of Art (RCA), will host the programme comprising a series of 6 key events: Local Young Fashion Talent Mentorship, Fashion Show & Forum, International Symposium, Touring Exhibition, Workshops and MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). The programme sets out to act as a platform to empower the fashion industry, academia, community, young talents and the public via knowledge exchange, active discourse, and cross-sector collaborations. The application of AI in the fashion industry allows practitioners and businesses to strengthen their commercial sustainability and longevity while maintaining a leading international position in creative innovation. The 18-month programme aims to nurture creative capital, future-proof the industry and promote Hong Kong as a leader in Fashion and AI.

AiDLab Innovation in Design Summit 2023: AI & Design for Better Lifestyle and Fashion Future
April 19, 2023
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab)
To better navigate the business through the most challenging period after the pandemic, enterprises large and small have started to prepare for a disruptive future by adopting AI and advanced technologies in their business. The first-ever AiDLab summit aims to showcase a series of our stateof-the-art breakthrough innovations and brainstorm with the industry practitioners and professionals for ideations of potential applications. Experts from interdisciplinary research will share up-to-date advanced technologies and their cutting-edge innovations in design in three main themes: Fashion innovation with AI applications, Smart human-centred design for wellbeing, and AI for better lifestyle, propelling towards a better lifestyle, human well-being, and fashion future.

2023 EEM and LEM career talk
February 7, 2023
Theatre Lounge
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
A career talk specially organized for students of BSc (Hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management (LEM) and BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management (EEM) was successfully held on 7 February 2023, attracting more than 50 students to join. Mr. Dennis Mak (Rhenus Logistics Asia Pacific), Mr. Samson Lam (LOreal Hong Kong Limited), Mr. Tobi Wong (Cloud ERP Consultant of One Pacific Limited), Mr. Calvin Yu (Project Management Officer of Kinetix Systems Limited), Mr. Kennan Lo (Management Trainee of Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd)., Mr. Henry Yiu (DGT & IT Graduate Trainee of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited), Mr. Henry Choi (Associate-Digital Redesign Practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting Limited) were invited to come to share the valuable first-hand information about the job opportunities and career prospects with our students.