HK RFID大獎 廣泛運用 民生受惠

: 21 December , 2012
: Newspaper
: Hong Kong Economic Times
: RFID Technology, RF-eye, Student Project

四季無憂 泊車輕鬆 - 可讓駕駛者預訂車位的創新系統

: December, 2012
: Magazine
: 科技創新變未來 - 理大知識轉移專集 (P.155)
: RFID Technology, IoT-based Advanced Automobile Parking Navigation Platform, ITF Project

Download PDF file : mc20121201.pdf

手機變本土嚮導 理大生奪獎

: 19 November , 2012
: Newspaper
: Sing Tao Daily
: RFID Technology, ePlatform for Collective Memory Acquisition and Preservation, Student Project


: 21 September , 2012
: Newspaper
: Sing Tao Daily
: RFID Technology, RF-eye, ePlatform for Collective Memory Acquisition and Preservation, Student Project

Radio Frequency identification Technology's Multi-application and Hong Kong Industries

: September, 2012
: Magazine
: Hong Kong Industrialist
: RFID Technology, IoT-based Advanced Automobile Parking Navigation Platform, Electronic Nursing Record Management System, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Land Transportation, Fleet Management, Counterfeit Prevention, ITF Project

Download PDF file : mc20120901.pdf

Electronic Nursing Record Management System for Pok Oi Hospital

: July, 2012
: Newsletter
: E-News, Faculty of Engineering in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
: RFID Technology, Electronic Nursing Record Management System

Easy parking, happy drivers - Hi-tech system allows vehicle motorists to reserve a car park space

: May, 2012
: Magazine
: Indistinguishable from Magic - Knowledge Transfer At PolyU (P.155)
: RFID Technology, IoT-based Advanced Automobile Parking Navigation Platform, ITF Project

Download PDF file : mc20120501.pdf

RFID科技發展無疆界 - 整合技術 優化生活

: March, 2012
: Magazine
: Hong Kong Entrepreneur
: RFID Technology, Intelligent eSecurity Device, Food Safety, Sensor Technology, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Land Transportation, Fleet Management, Counterfeit Prevention, ITF Project

Download PDF file : mc20120301.pdf