Augmented Reality (AR) and Product Design 擴增實境(AR)與產品設計

27 Mar 2021
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
10:00 - 11:00
Online broadcast (live)
Suitable for: Secondary 3 – Secondary 6 Students
You are cordially invited to join the lecture on “Augmented Reality (AR) and Product Design 擴增實境(AR)與產品設計)” at the Hong Kong SciFest 2021. Details are as follows.
Date: 27 Mar 2021 (Sat)
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Platform: Online broadcast (live)
Suitable for: Secondary 3 – Secondary 6 Students
Language: Cantonese (supplemented with English teaching materials)
Application Deadline: 26 Mar 2021
It is believed that you have heard a popular mobile game "Pokémon GO", which is an application example of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. AR is an interactive experience of a real world with addition of virtual objects, such as characters, sounds, or other computer-created objects. At present, AR has been widely applied in product design in various fields, such as fashion, automobiles, aircraft, medicine, construction, etc., in order to promote product development and marketing. This seminar will introduce how AR technology can be used in product design.
相信你曾聽聞風靡一時的一款手機遊戲《Pokémon GO》,這是一個擴增實境 (Augmented Reality, AR) 科技的應用例子。擴增實境是一種在現實世界中添加虛擬物件(如人物、聲音、或其他電腦程式創造出來的物品)的互動體驗。現時,擴增實境已被廣泛應用於時裝、汽車、飛機、醫藥、建築等各種範疇的產品設計上,藉以促進產品的開發和營銷。本講座將介紹業界如何利用擴增實境技術於產品設計上。