Dynamic Network Equilibrium and Time-of-Use Pricing with V2G Activities of Electric Vehicles
Distinguished Research Seminar Series

04 Dec 2024
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, PolyU
10:00 - 11:30
Dr. Chi Xie
With the rapid rise in electric vehicle (EV) adoption in recent years, leveraging a large number of private EVs collectively as a distributed energy storage system through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology has proven to be technically and economically viable for supporting smart grids. Quantifying the impact of V2G on the performance of both traffic networks and electricity grids requires robust modeling tools capable of capturing the spatiotemporal dynamics of networkwide EV travel-parking-charging-discharging activities. This talk presents a novel dynamic network equilibrium model, grounded in Nesterov’s user equilibrium principle, to accommodate departure time, route, parking, charging and discharging choices of EV commuters and characterize their behavioral response to electricity charging-discharging infrastructure, technologies, prices, incentives, and policies. As an application example of this model, this talk also discusses a time-of-use (TOU) electricity pricing problem aimed at minimizing the electricity waste from supply-demand imbalances within a citywide electricity distribution network, which embeds the dynamic equilibrium model of the city’s traffic network as its demand submodel. Overall, this model provides a network-based, behaviorally sound, computationally efficient platform for assessing and improving EV incentive and subsidy policies, V2G infrastructure deployment, and integration of transportation and electricity systems.
Keynote Speaker

Dr. Chi Xie
School of Transportation and Urban Mobility Institute, Tongji University, China
Dr. Chi Xie obtained his B.Eng. in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from Cornell University. He is a Tenured Professor in School of Transportation and Urban Mobility Institute at Tongji University. His current research interests focus on analyzing and optimizing large-scale urban and intermodal logistics systems, electrified and shared mobility systems, and transportation-electricity megasystems. As a principal investigator, Dr. Xie has led projects funded by prestigious organizations such as the U.S. National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Ministry of Education of China, and China Recruitment Program of Global Experts. His research results appeared in 180+ peer-reviewed journal and conference papers and 10+ authorized national patents, along with 7 best paper awards of international or domestic conferences and 3 champions of national innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. Dr. Xie was a recipient of the Young Thousand-Talent Award from the China Recruitment Program of Global Experts in 2013, a Distinguished Young Investigator of Frontiers of Engineering from the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017, and a recipient of the International Road Transport Science and Technology Leadership Award from the China Highway and Transportation Society in 2022. He currently serves as the Executive Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.
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