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Congratulations to ISE RFID team on winning the second place of the IEOM Poster Presentation Competition Award in the 2nd IEOM European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Dr. Carman K.M. Lee and her research team have won the second place of the IEOM Poster Presentation Competition Award for their paper entitled “Appointment Scheduling Optimization for Specialist Outpatient Services” in the 2nd IEOM European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management held from 26 – 27 July 2018 in Paris, France. This paper aims to enhance the efficiency of public health service and alleviate the problem of long waiting time of appointment booking for specialist outpatient services. Appointment scheduling optimization model with LINGO software using the exact algorithm is applied into the appointment scheduling problem for the outpatient clinic. The performance of the appointment scheduling optimization model is examined in different case scenario and performance improvement is realized. The conference is organized by IEOM Society International, from 26-27 July 2018 in Paris, France. It aims at providing a platform for academics, researchers, scientists and practitioners to exchange ideas and to bridge the gap between the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management theory and its application in solving the most current problems and challenges faced by 21st-century organisations.  

3 Aug, 2018



Congratulations to ISE RFID team on winning the Outstanding Paper Award in the 12th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM 2018)

Dr. Carman K.M. Lee and Mr. Chengli Liu, a PhD student supervised by Dr. Lee, have received the Outstanding Paper Award for their paper entitled “Optimal Prices of Centralized Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Overconfident Consumers” in the 12th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM 2018) held from 12 – 15 July 2018 in Qingdao, China. All submissions went through a rigorous review process and each paper was reviewed by numerous of committee members. The paper analyzed the impact of overconfidence in centralized dual-channel supply chain and modelled consumers who are overprecise in product valuation. The results showed that consumer overconfidence is not necessarily a negative force on customers. The higher the consumers’ overconfidence level, the lower the prices offered to them. However, consumers’ overconfidence leads to losses for the manufacturer. And the dual- channel strategy can be an effective tool for the manufacturer to reduce the negative effect of consumer overconfidence. The work is inspiring that the outcome is awarded at the conference. The conference was hosted by Haier Group and co-organized by the Association of Supply Chain and Operation Management (ASCOM) and China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), from 12-15 July 2018 in Qingdao.  

18 Jul, 2018



(Event News) Technical Seminar: Case Study of Manufactory Optimization Projects

On 6th July 2018, the Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Section (MIES), IET Hong Kong organized a technical seminar titled in Case Study of Manufactory Optimization Projects at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The seminar was held from 19:00 to 20:30 in room BC203. 24 participants joined the seminar in which 20 of them are IET members. The event was co-organized by Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of PolyU. A distinguished guest speaker, Mr. Biu Ng was invited to this seminar to share his professional knowledge and valuable experience on factory optimization projects. Mr. Ng is the General Manager of Star Master International Ltd. Its business involves consulation for setup and sales of factories, maintenance and repairing services of line machineries. The seminar was divided in two sections. Section One was the presentation of Mr. Biu Ng on different cases about factory workflow optimization and efficiency improvement. Section Two was for Q&A in which Mr. Stephen Lam, committee member of MIES, moderated the discussion. The participants were keen on asking questions which simulated further discussion among the speakers and audiences on related topics.   (Reported by Stephen Lam, MIES)

6 Jul, 2018



2ISE students won the 2nd Runner-up and Merit Award in the HKIE MI “Student Project Competition Presentation 2017/18”

Two students of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE), received the 2nd runner-up and merit award in the HKIE MI “Student Project Competition Presentation 2017/18”, organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – Manufacturing & Industrial Division (HKIE-MI). Miss Siu Ka Hei, who graduated from BEng (Hons) in Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) in 2018, won the 2nd runner-up award for her final year project entitled “Design and Development of a baby care product: Flexible Baby Stroller”, which was supervised by Ir Martin Mak. Miss Siu proposed and designed a flexible baby stroller to increase the baby safety when sitting in the stroller. Mr. Yeung Chun Kit, who graduated from BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management (EEM), won the merit award for his final year project entitled “Smart City Application and Analysis: Real-Time Urban Drainage Monitoring by IoT Sensors”, which was supervised by Dr Carman Lee. Frankie designs a drainage sensing system to retrieve the rainwater or drain statues with the Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, which can provide a real-time monitoring solution for better inundation management and alleviate the flooding problem in the city. The HKIE Manufacturing & Industrial Division Student Project Competition is an open competition that attracted participating teams from the major Hong Kong universities. This competition is an annual event organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) to encourage students to stretch themselves intellectually and practically in the applications of MI Engineering technologies in a real industrial case.  

27 Jun, 2018

Student Achievement


ISE PhD student won the Champion at the HKIE Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division “CA Paper Award Competition (Postgraduate level) 2017/18”

ISE PhD student Mr. Ng Kam Hung won the Champion in the “Paper Award Competition (Postgraduate level) 2017/18”organized by the HKIE Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division. The awarded paper is titled as “Considering arrival and departure uncertainties in robust aircraft sequencing and scheduling problem with meta-heuristics approach”, which was supervised by Dr Carman Lee. The research paper considers the aircraft sequencing and scheduling problem under the uncertainty of arrival and departure delays for multiple heterogeneous mixed-mode parallel runways. Through the proposed efficient artificial bee colony algorithm, the nearly optimal solution will be obtained with a desirable computational time to further enhance the capacity and resilience level in the mixed-mode parallel runways operation. The CA Paper Award Competition is organized by the Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division (CAD) and co-organized by the Institute of Measurement and Control, Hong Kong Section with the aim to promote the Control, Automation & Instrumentation technologies and to encourage young/ potential engineers and technologists presenting their innovative ideas. Paper of the winners will be published in the Symposium Proceedings.

27 Jun, 2018

Student Achievement



香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系主辦的「全港中小學產品設計大賽2017-2018」已於5月26日圓滿結束。是次比賽反應十分熱烈,吸引超過100多間中小學校報名參與。在大會初步評審隊伍提交的計劃書後,最後共有84支隊伍能成功入圍,每支隊伍由一位理工大學學生導師從旁指導,給予學科的專業意見。比賽設有「小學組」和「中學組」兩個組別,組內再細分智能家居、穿戴科技、衛生保健或復康產品,讓不同興趣的同學自行決定作品題材。 產品設計大賽的頒獎典禮場面熱鬧,出席嘉賓包括香港電腦教育學會(HKACE)、資訊科技領袖協會(AiTLE)、協辦公司DTSL和各參賽學校的代表。參賽作品以產品報告、匯報介紹、產品功能和外形設計作為評分準則。頒獎典禮當日,所有組別將製成品展示於理工大學校園內,先由同學們現身說法,讓專業評審充分了解作品後即席評分。過程中,同學們亦可與其他隊伍交流,取長補短。統計評分過後,中學組由香港教育工作者聯會黃楚標中學憑「安眠枕」獲得全場總冠軍,同時包攬最佳創意奬和最佳外觀奬。小學組方面,英華小學憑「智能門欄」獲得全場總冠軍、最佳創意奬和最佳外觀奬,連中三元。綜觀多組隊伍的作品,不難發現每組同學都花盡心思,務求讓發明品滿足生活所需,達到活學活用。單單說智能家居組別,同學們製成智能自動摺合式飯枱、自動分類垃圾桶和智能濾水水質監察器,實在令一眾評審嘆為觀止。而在穿戴科技、衛生保健或復康產品,同學們的創作更是輕巧實用,為復康人士和長者帶來不少便利。例如失明人士無障礙穿戴裝置和家用用藥提醒機,都以簡單材料製作,協助有需要人士面對生活難題。是次比賽讓同學一展所長,以科技推動生活,工程中充分體驗STEM教學的實際用途。 香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系系主任陳鏡昌教授表示,今年已是連續兩年舉辦全港中小學產品設計大賽,期望透過活動鼓勵創意設計,提升中小學同學對產品設計的興趣。為了讓同學們學以致用,理工大學更與協辦機構DTSL舉辦一連串工作坊,務求讓參賽同學掌握基本設計和編程技巧,方便在測試產品時因應需要作出改善。而項目主題亦是因應近年灸手可熱的科技議題,期望讓同學從日常生活出發,充分體會不同需要而研發產品。   網址:

27 Jun, 2018



(Event News) Technical Seminar: Vocational Qualification Pathway-Dialogue with CEO

On 16th June 2018, ISE, MILESAA and MIES of IET Hong Kong organized a technical seminar as title Vocational Qualification Pathway-Dialogue with CEOs . The event was started from 09:15 to 13:00 at TU107 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. There were totally 63 participants. 41 of them were IET members. The event was co-organized by ISE of PolyU Hong Kong and MILESAA. Six distinguished guests were invited to be the speakers of this seminar. They are 1) Dr George Lau, Director, RPL Assessment Agency for Testing, Inspection and Certification Industry, Qualifications Framework, 2) Mr Stanley Cheung, Chairman of Manufacturing Technology Training Board of Vocational Training Council, 3) Ir Peter Si, Project Manager, IVE Engineering Discipline In-service Training Office, 4) Ir Dr. YC Chau, Vice President, TDK, 5) Miss May Wong, Chairlady, Public Relations Committee of Institute of Purchasing & Supply of HK, 6) Mr Felix Choi , CEO of Hongrita Holdings Ltd. The seminar was commenced with Welcome Speech and Opening Speech, delivered by Professor K.C.Chan, department head of ISE of PolyU HK, and Ir KW Chen, the chairman of IET Hong Kong respectively. The seminar was divided by two sections. Section one introduced the key features of HKQF, Specification of Competency Standards, Vocational Qualifications Pathway and In-service training service in Hong Kong. Section two was the case sharing time. The speakers shared their valued experience on how they became the successful industrialist and professional engineer by taking the lifelong learning. After the completion of speeches, Mr John Chow, Vice Chairman of MIES, moderated the discussion panel program. The eagerness of questions asking in the forum had simulated some good discussion among the speakers and audiences in related topics.  

16 Jun, 2018



ISE student won the 2nd Runner-up and Merit Award in the “Challenge Cup” National Competition — Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2018

Two teams of students, who are studying BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management (EEM), participated in the “Challenge Cup” National Competition — Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2018 on 25-26 May 2018, and won the Second Runner-up and the Merit Award.   Team 1 Student: LAI Long Hei Project Title: Intelligent Rescue Bracelet: Swim Guard Project Category: Information Technology Award: Second Runner-up   Team 2 Students: YEUNG Chun Kit, IP Wing Yan, LI Ka Chun Project Title: Smart City Application and Analysis: Real-Time Urban Drainage Monitoring by IoT Sensors Project Category: Mathematics and Physics / Mechanics and Control Award: Merit   The “Challenge Cup” National Competition — Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2018 is an annual event organized by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association. The Competition is an important platform for ideas exchange and sharing among students from various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. It also serves as an important platform for connecting the industries and tertiary institutions, as well as exploring technological innovations and entrepreneurial talents. This year, there are 560 participants and 188 participating projects in the Hong Kong region. Winners will be selected to represent HKSAR and their institutes to compete in “Chuangqingchun” National Competition (Hangzhou). For more details, please visit their website.

31 May, 2018

Student Achievement

ISE innovations honoured internationally at the 46th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (ISE科研揚威日內瓦國際發明展)

Gold Medal with the Congratulations of Jury評判特別嘉許金獎 Intelligent 3D Stereoscopic Imaging System on Plenoptic Camera 全聚焦光場相機的智能三維成像系統 By Ir Prof. Wing Bun LEE李榮彬教授   The intelligent 3D imaging system with internal reflection unit can capture multiple angles of an object at the same time, generating a high-quality 3D image or video with depth map information after image processing. 這個智能三維成像系統利用設計先進的反射元件,可以在同一時間捕捉同一景物的多個稍微不同視角的影像。經過影像處理後,系統能夠產生含景深資訊的高質3D影像和影片。   Winning Project Intelligent 3D Stereoscopic Imaging System on Plenoptic Camera (Principal Investigator: Ir. Prof. Wing Bun LEE) 理大獲獎科研項目 全聚焦光場相機的智能三維成像系統 (發明者:李榮彬教授)   Gold Medal 金獎 Micro-embossing Equipment for Precision Optical Microstructures 用於光學微結構的精密微納印壓設備 By Dr Lihua LI李莉華博士   The novel micro-embossing equipment with graphite-like carbon film can produce micron-level micro-structural optical components in glass using self-developed heating technology and innovative mould design.The equipment enables rapid and accurate impression of small aspheric lens and fine optical microstructures such as microlens array. 理大研發含類石墨烯塗層的新型精密微納印壓設備,利用自家研發的加熱技術及創新的模具設計,製作具光學微結構的玻璃光學零件。這套設備能夠精準而快速地壓印非球面小型鏡頭和光學微結構,如微鏡陣列等。     Winning Project Micro-embossing Equipment for Precision Optical Microstructures (Principal Investigator: Dr Lihua LI) (second from right) 理大獲獎科研項目 用於光學微結構的精密微納印壓設備 (發明者:李莉華博士) (second from right)   The 46th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, held from 11 to 15 April, has attracted 823 exhibitors from 40 countries/regions, showcasing around 1,000 new products. Under the patronage of the Swiss Federal Government, the State and the City of Geneva as well as the World Intellectual Property Organization, it is the biggest event of its kind globally. 「第四十六屆國際發明展」於4月11日至15日在瑞士日內瓦舉行,吸引了來自40個國家/地區的823個參展單位參與,展出創新產品超過1,000種。國際發明展獲瑞士聯邦政府、日內瓦市政府和世界知識產權組織贊助,屬全球同類型的博覽會中最具規模。   (Source: PolyU Website)

16 Apr, 2018



ISE takes part in the HKTDC International ICT Expo (15th Edition) to Promote Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies.

The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) was invited by the Institute for Entrepreneurship (IfE) to exhibit in the HKTDC International ICT Expo (15th Edition) from the 13th to the 16th of April 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Dr Carman Lee represents Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory to demonstrate the latest innovative solution – “Industrial IoT-based Smart Robotic Warehouse Management System” (, an Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) project undertook with RV Automation Technology Company Limited. The above solution increases the operational efficiency of warehouses. It attracted lots of visitors to enquiry for details. The laboratory members explained the solution-related technologies and knowledge enthusiastically to the visitors. During the exhibition period, knowledge and ideas are transferred and exchanged to public respectively. Finding potential collaborative partners of the visitors would also probably pave the way for more innovative projects to undertake at the Department of ISE and PolyU in the future.

16 Apr, 2018


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