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ISE scholar honoured the National Disruptive Technology Contest by Ministry of Science & Technology

The research project “Low-temperature molding technology for precision optical components based on new nanocomposite glass materials” (基於新型納米複合玻璃材料的精密光學元件低溫成型技術) led by scholar of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is honoured the 2022 Merit Award of National Disruptive Technology Contest (全國顛覆性技術創新大賽領域賽優秀獎) in the field of new materials by Torch High Technology Industry Development Center of Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST). A total of 2,851 projects from all over China participated in the Contest, and PolyU is the only Hong Kong institution being honoured. The PolyU driven start-up project, led by Prof. W.B. Lee, Emeritus Professor of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, develops the technology for the precision molding of a modified nanocomposite glass materials which could be formed at a low temperature below 300 OC, followed by sintering or formed at room temperature with ultra-violet curing without vacuum requirement in the manufacturing of aspheric or free formed optical glass lens. The project is also a collaboration with the Nano Manufacturing Laboratory of the City University of Hong Kong. This research will bring significant innovative breakthrough to the precision optics manufacturing industry. The research results can be applied in low-cost, high-volume manufacturing of optical components such as lenses and Fresnel lenses, for applications in next-generation portable devices, smartphones for driverless cars, holographic displays and VR glasses, and light field display technology of metaverse etc. The National Disruptive Technology Contest focuses on integrated circuit, artificial intelligence, future networks and communications, biotechnology, new materials, green technology, high-end equipment manufacturing and multiple disciplines, and other technology which could bring cutting-edge innovation and breakthrough. (Source: PolyU Research and Innovation Office)

4 May, 2023



Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2023

The ISE Department is pleased to present the “Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2023” to two distinguished graduates in recognition of their Scholarly Achievement and Professional Achievement as well as significant contributions to the Department, PolyU and the community. Their remarkable achievements and valuable contributions have earned them the well-deserved honour. Congratulations to the following awardees! Outstanding Alumni Award in Scholarly Achievement of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 理大工業及系統工程學系傑出校友學術成就獎 Prof. William Ho Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Melbourne, Australia Doctor of Philosophy, 2004 BEng (Hons) in Manufacturing Engineering, 2000 Outstanding Young Alumni Award in Professional Achievement of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 理大工業及系統工程學系傑出青年校友專業成就獎 Ms LAW Wing Ting Cadence Senior Consultant, Hong Kong Productivity Council BEng (Hons) in Product Engineering with Marketing, 2015   For more details about the awardees, please visit here.

27 Apr, 2023

Student Achievement


ISE student won Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2023

We are delighted to announce that Ms Haley Kwok Hin Chi, a year 3 student of BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management programme, is one of the esteemed awardees of the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2023. The scholarship was jointly established by the Innovation and Technology Commission and The Hongkong and Shanghai Corporation Limited (HSBC), and is now administered by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG). After a rigorous selection process, Haley was selected as one of the 25 awardees from seven local universities taking science, engineering and health-related programme. The Scholarship aims to recognize outstanding undergraduate students in Hong Kong who have demonstrated exceptional skills and achievements in the field of innovation and technology. The scholarship provides Haley with an opportunity to expand her international and Mainland exposure, gain industry experience, and contribute to the community through the Overseas / Mainland Attachment Programme, Mentorship Programme, Service Project Programme, and Local Internship Programme. Haley expressed her gratitude to the professors and mentors for their guidance and support throughout the scholarship application process, as well as to the department for providing her with valuable research experience. She believes that her unwavering dedication and commitment have significantly contributed to her success in winning the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2023. "It is a very competitive scholarship. PolyU and ISE have provided full support to me throughout my study. Be innovative and adventurous!" said Haley. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Haley and wish her all the best in her future endeavors in the field of innovation and technology. The Innovation and Technology Scholarship aims to provide recognition to outstanding undergraduates in universities in Hong Kong as well as opportunities of widening their international / Mainland exposure and gaining industry experience. Successful awardees are awarded a scholarship of not more than HK$150,000, comprising the following four components: Overseas/ Mainland Attachment Programme Mentorship Programme Service Project Programme Local Internship Programme

27 Apr, 2023

Student Achievement


PolyU Industrial Engineering Ranked Top 1 in Hong Kong and Top 19 in the World

We are pleased to share the good news that PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering achieved outstanding results in the latest world university rankings. According to EduRank, PolyU Industrial Engineering ranked 1st in Hong Kong and 19th in the world. The rankings were based on research performance, non-academic prominence, and alumni score, using data collected from more than 14,000 universities. We are committed to the mission of achieving academic excellence through innovative practices in teaching and learning, applied research, and the promotion of knowledge transfer.

14 Apr, 2023



Joint Career Talk of Aviation Programmes

A joint career talk specially organized for students of BSc (Hons) in Aviation Operations and Systems (offered by Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering) and BBA (Hons) in Aviation Management and Logistics (offered by Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies) was successfully held on 24 March 2023. The event attracted many interested students to join, including graduating year students looking for employment as well as students seeking internships in the middle of their studies. Representatives from the following companies were invited to come to share the valuable first-hand information about the job opportunities and career prospects with our students. Hong Kong Airlines Airport Authority Hong Kong Hong Kong Air Cargo Carrier Limited WTM Limited

4 Apr, 2023



Career Talk for LEM and EEM Programmes

A career talk specially organized for students of BSc (Hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management (LEM) and BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management (EEM) was successfully held on 7 February 2023, attracting more than 50 students to join. Representatives from the following companies were invited to come to share the valuable first-hand information about the job opportunities and career prospects with our students. Rhenus Logistics Asia Pacific L’Oreal Hong Kong Limited Cloud ERP Consultant of One Pacific Limited Project Management Officer of Kinetix Systems Limited Management Trainee of Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd. DGT & IT Graduate Trainee of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited Associate-Digital Redesign Practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting Limited

31 Mar, 2023



ISE graduate received the IET-Hong Kong Merit Award of Young Woman Engineer 2022

Ms Cadence Law Wing Ting, a graduate BEng (Hons) in Product Engineering with Marketing, received the Merit Award of Young Woman Engineer 2022 presented by The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Hong Kong for her contributions to the field of engineering. Cadence currently leads a diverse engineering team focusing on Smart City solutions. She actively collaborates with institutions to promote a diverse, equal and inclusive engineering environment. She is one of the mentors in the ISE-IET Mentorship programme to provide support to ISE students and groom the next generation for success. More information about the Award can be found at

9 Mar, 2023



PolyU and The Fire Services Department collaborate on research for indoor positioning technology 理大與消防處合作研究室內定位技術

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Fire Services Department (FSD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today to put forward a study on the use of innovation and technology (I&T) to track the location of firemen at indoor fire scenes in order to further enhance the safety of frontline personnel. PolyU and the FSD will collaborate in studying the use of indoor positioning technology to track and locate fire personnel at fire scenes inside buildings and protect them against danger. With PolyU's experience in cutting-edge engineering research and the advanced simulation training facilities in the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy, the collaboration will achieve an optimum synergy effect and provide better protection of fire personnel’s lives. Witnessed by Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU, and Mr Andy YEUNG, Director of Fire Services, the MoU was signed by Prof. Keith K.C. CHAN, Head of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of PolyU, and Mr KWOK Pak-chiu, Assistant Director (Corporate Strategy) of the FSD. Professor Jin-Guang Teng said, “Firefighters have always served and protected Hong Kong citizens with dedication and care, and PolyU is pleased to participate in this meaningful study by leveraging our research and innovation capabilities to strengthen the safety of fire personnel. PolyU’s Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering has a strong foundation in the area of precision engineering research, with its researchers having participated in the Nation’s space exploration missions of the Moon and Mars. The collaboration to develop an indoor fire scene tracking system will combine PolyU’s advanced positioning and precision engineering technologies with FSD’s professional facilities and support. I am confident that the study will help provide more timely protection to fire personnel.” Professor Teng added that PolyU will continue to harness its multi-disciplinary research strengths to support FSD’s work. For instance, PolyU’s Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering is conducting a “smart firefighting” research that adopts AI to monitor buildings fire hazards. Mr Andy Yeung said, “The FSD has long been supportive to the HKSAR Government in promoting the development and application of I&T. Over the years, the FSD has proactively introduced and applied I&T in enhancing its firefighting, rescue and emergency ambulance services for better protection of the lives and property of citizens as well as the safety of frontline fire personnel.” He said that the FSD has deployed robots for firefighting tasks and also applied artificial intelligence-assisted drones during mountain rescue operations to help search for missing persons. Both devices have been proven to be effective in greatly enhancing operational efficiency and safety. He added that the FSD would also share its accomplishments on I&T research with the fire and rescue departments of the Mainland cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area by conducting regular technical exchanges. 香港理工大學(理大)與消防處今天簽署合作備忘錄,研究一套室內定位系統,以追蹤消防員在建築物內火災現場的位置,進一步保障前線人員的安全。 理大和消防處將合作應用創新科技研究室內定位技術,以測定消防人員進入建築物火場後的位置,可即時追蹤搜索遇險人員。憑藉理大在尖端科技的豐富研究經驗,加上消防及救護學院內多項先進的模擬訓練設施,是次合作將發揮最大的協同效應,從而提升消防人員的生命安全。 合作備忘錄由理大工業及系統工程學系系主任陳鏡昌教授及消防處助理處長(機構策略)郭柏超先生簽署,理大校長滕錦光教授及消防處處長楊恩健先生見證簽署儀式。 滕錦光教授說:「消防人員一直為市民救災扶危,理大十分高興可以參與這個意義重大的研究,利用理大的科研成果,加強保障消防人員的安全。理大工業及系統工程學系在精密工程研究領域具備深厚根基,部份研究人員更多次參與國家探測月球和火星任務。今次合作研發室內定位系統,既運用理大先進的定位和精密工程技術,同時結合消防處的專業設施和支援,將有助為前線消防人員提供更及時的保障,加強保護他們的生命安全。」 滕校長說,理大將繼續以不同領域的科研實力,支持消防處的工作,例如建築環境及能源工程學系正進行「智慧防火」的研究,利用人工智能監測建築物的火警風險。 楊恩健處長表示:「消防處一直支持特區政府推動創新科技的發展和應用,多年來積極引進並應用新科技,優化滅火、救援和緊急救護服務,希望能為市民的生命財產和前線人員安全提供更佳保護。」 他指出,消防處早已利用機械人協助滅火,亦使用無人機配合人工智能圖像分析軟件,協助搜救遠足失蹤人士,大大提升了救援行動的效率和安全。他補充說,消防處亦經常與粵港澳大灣區內地城市的消防救援部門定期進行技術交流,分享科技研究成果。

4 Jan, 2023



Novel Nano Multi-Ring Incorporated Defocus Spectacle Lens to Slow Down Myopia Progression

The State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) (SKL-UPMT) joined hands with the School of Optometry and Vision Science and Technology Co. Ltd. (VST), a PolyU supported start-up, and have successfully developed the Nano Multi-ring Defocus Incorporated Spectacle Lens for controlling the progression of myopia (or short-sightedness). The Ultra-precision Nano Multi-rings Machining Technology is a patented technology developed based on advanced optics design, ultra-precision machining, precision measurement, and precision moulding technology. The research team successfully applies Defocus Incorporated Soft Contact (DISC) technology for contact lens to spectacle lens production. The new spectacle lens provides added comfort for wearers, while offering more stable vision. The non-invasive design also makes it more suitable for children of different ages. Prof. Benny CHEUNG, Professor of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Director of SKL-UPMT at the PolyU, stated: “We are delighted to extend the locally developed Ultra-precision Nano Multi-rings Machining Technology to fine-tune and manufacture optometric products and will continue to create new technologies and solutions for diverse industries to benefit society.”

15 Dec, 2022



Mainland government's awards to PolyU and Prof. KL Yung

The Mainland government has recently awarded PolyU and Prof. KL Yung the Scientific Technology Improvement Award (科學技術進步獎) for the surface sampling and packing system in Chang’e 5 space mission. The China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) has also sent the PolyU a letter of appreciation for Prof. KL Yung’s contribution on space instruments.

1 Dec, 2022

Staff Achievement

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