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ISE students won the 1st Runner-up and Best Innovative Solution in 2022 Hong Kong Logistics Case Competition & Workshop

In the 2022 Hong Kong Logistics Case Competition & Workshop, an open competition organized by the Hong Kong Logistics Association (HKLA), Mr. FENG Zhanpeng (Jason) and Miss GOH Yong Qi (Tracy) became the 1st Runner-up of the Case Contest and won the Best Innovative Solution Award, respectively. Tracy and Jason, who are now studying the BSc (Hons) programme in Logistics Engineering with Management (LEM), visited the cold storage facility of Yamato Logistics (Hong Kong). They, with their teammates, were subsequently asked to formulate and solve operational problems based on their observations and analysis. In short, they applied the knowledge learnt from the programme to suggest several feasible solutions for improving the operational visibility and stability of storage conditions. Congratulations again to the winners and we are very proud of our students for the excellent performance in this open competition.

9 Jun, 2022

Student Achievement


Camera Pointing System for China’s Lunar Exploration Missions (Chang'e 3 and 4) honoured at 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days

Project: Camera Pointing System for China’s Lunar Exploration Missions (Chang'e 3 and 4) Award: Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury Principal Investigator:  Prof. Kai-leung Yung Sir Sze-yuen Chung Professor in Precision Engineering, Director of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations, Chair Professor of Precision Engineering and Associate Head of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering   A Research Team led by Prof. Yung Kai-leung received the Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury at 2022 Geneva Invention Expo. The team is the only university in Hong Kong taking part in the Nation’s space missions and actively developing instruments for the national space mission by leveraging its expertise in precision engineering. The award was for a project entitled “Camera Pointing System for China’s Lunar Exploration Missions (Chang'e 3 and 4)”. Installed on top of the lunar lander, it facilitates panoramic image capturing and rover movement observation on the moon, and helps construct a precision 3D model of the landscape for safe rovery. With a complex design and a weight of only 2.8 kg, it is sturdy enough to protect the camera against shock and vibration during the space mission and to ensure its proper functioning under the extreme lunar environment. The invention was completed and successfully deployed on the front surface of the Moon with the Chang’e 3 and Moon far side with the Chang’e 4 missions of China’s Lunar Exploration Programme. Please click the link to watch the video for this award-winning project:   (Source: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research)   Media coverage: Sing Tao Daily - Sky Post - Bastille Post - Wen Wei Po - U Lifestyle - ET Net - Intellasia - CyberCTM -  

9 Jun, 2022

Staff Achievement


RAIDS Team Won the Second Prize in the “8th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (第 8 屆香港大學生創新及創業大賽)"

Mr. Li Chengxi (ISE), Mr. Li Shufei (ISE), Mr. Fan Junming (ISE), Mr. Tsang Chin-Lok (AAE) and Ms. Kwok Hin-Chi (ISE) from the Research Group of AI for Industrial Digital Servitization (RAIDS) received the Second Prize in the “Entrepreneurship Proposal” Track of “The 8th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition”, a competition organized by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association, Innovation and Technology Commission, and Hong Kong Science Park. They won the award with a business plan entitled “Mutual Cognitive Human-Robot Collaborative Manufacturing System”, which was supervised by Dr. Zheng Pai. The system aims to enhance the intelligence of industrial cobots and industrial personnel with the use of the cognitive AI model and AR platform, in a human-robot collaborative manner towards futuristic human-centric smart manufacturing. Mr. Li Chengxi, Mr. Li Shufei and Mr. Fan Junming are PhD students in the ISE department, under Dr. Pai Zheng’s supervision. Their PhD topics are related to the robot learning, computer vision, augmented reality and digital twin for futuristic proactive human-robot collaborative manufacturing. Mr. Tsang Chin-Lok is currently a final year undergraduate student from the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering (AAE), who has been conducting his Inter-departmental FYP project under Dr. Pai Zheng’s supervision. Ms. Kwok Hin-Chi is currently a second year student of the BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management and Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme (URIS) holder in the ISE department under Dr. Pai Zheng’s supervision. Congratulations again to the winners, and we hope they have a great success on the innovation and entrepreneurship road.   Related links:  

8 Jun, 2022

Student Achievement

Top 50 Global AI Young Chinese Scholars by Baidu Academic

Dr Pai Zheng was selected as one of the Top 50 Global AI Young Chinese Scholars 華人青年學者榜 (AI+X) as released by Baidu Academic

In April 2022, Dr Pai Zheng, a young scholar from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering was selected as one of the Top 50 Global AI Young Chinese Scholars, AI華人青年學者榜 (in the field of AI+X).  The list was jointly released by Baidu Academic (百度學術), Baidu (TIC) (百度人才智库), Complex Management System Laboratory of Tianjin University (天津大學複雜管理系統實驗室), and the Business Intelligence Center of the International Institute of Finance in the University of Science and Technology of China (中國科大國金院商業智能中心).   The selection aims to encourage young scholars to make more influential contributions and to identify high-potential young Chinese leaders in the fields of artificial intelligence. The selection was based on 186,963 papers and information on 89,324 scholars from all over the world, using big data mining technology.  There were three criteria in selection: academic performance, academic influence and academic potential index.  100 high-potential young scholars were selected in the classical fields of AI (i.e. Machine Learning, Data Mining, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing), and 50 high-potential young scholars were selected from the interdisciplinary fields of AI (AI+X). The 150 selected AI Young Chinese Scholars were from 98 top universities and organizations around the world. The top 10 universities or organizations with the most selected young scholars were Tsinghua University (8 scholars), Google (8 scholars), Chinese Academy of Sciences (7 scholars), Microsoft (including Microsoft Research Asia, 7 scholars), University of Hong Kong (4 scholars), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (3 scholars), Carnegie Mellon University (3 scholars), University of California San Diego (3 scholars), Columbia University (3 scholars), Facebook (3 scholars).  These scholars have made outstanding achievements in cutting-edge domains such as autonomous driving, quantum computing, dialogue systems, and biological computing, etc. Dr. Zheng is currently an Assistant Professor, Wong Tit Shing Endowed Young Scholar in Smart Robotics and Lab-in-Charge of the Digitalized Service Laboratory (DSL) in the Department. Before joining the ISE Department, he was a Research Fellow in the Delta-NTU Corporate Laboratory for Cyber-Physical Systems, in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) from Jan. 2018 to Sept. 2019. He received his Dual Bachelor’s Degrees in Material Processing and Control Engineering (major), and Computer Science and Engineering (minor), from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2010, Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Beihang University, Beijing, China, in 2013, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, in 2017. References:

20 May, 2022

Staff Achievement


ISE student was awarded the Third Prize at the 2021 International 3D Printing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Mr Weijie Xie, a PhD student of the Department of Industrial and Systems received the Third Prize at the 2021 International 3D Printing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (I3IEC). The competition is co-organized by the University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR), the National Innovation Institute of Additive Manufacturing (NIIAM, China), and the Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard (UTBM, France). Mr Xie’s award winning project is titled “Novel Bioresorbable Mg-based alloys for patient-specific implants using laser additive manufacturing”.   Project Description: The currently used materials for bone plates and screws for bone fracture healing are Ti alloys and stainless steel, which require secondary surgery to remove the implant after bone recovery. However, such secondary removal surgery puts pressure on the body, causes pain, risk, inconvenience, hospitalization and additional costs and it adds to the problem of the shortage of hospital beds especially during COVID-19. A step change is in applying novel bioresorbable Mg alloys, which are designed to be fully degraded in the human body after bone recovery and therefore removing the need for secondary surgery. The project has successfully applied laser additive manufacturing to fabricate high aspect-ratio Mg alloys parts. Such high aspect-ratio parts are difficult to additively manufacture due to the heat accumulation although they have a more similar shape to actual bone plates. The project has also applies a support structure to minimize the deformation, which is a major change from research to practical applications.

13 May, 2022

Student Achievement

The HKIE LTD  Best Student Papers Awards 2021

ISE student won the HKIE Logistics and Transportation Division (HKIE LTD) Best Students Papers Awards 2021

Miss LUK Hoi Yan, graduate of the BSc (Hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management, won the HKIE Logistics and Transportation Division (HKIE LTD) Best Students Papers Awards 2021. Her project title is “Intention of using Unmanned Guided Vehicles (UGV) for delivery during and after COVID-19”. The project investigates the public intention of using unmanned guided vehicles (UGV) by collecting respondents’ opinions: Attitude of implementation (safety concern, privacy concern, unemployment concern), and Performance expectancy (traceability, punctuality, accessibility, security, hygiene) under 4 different scenarios (delivering parcels with/ without COVID19 and delivering food with/ without COVID19).

27 Apr, 2022

Student Achievement


State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology featured on RTHK TV programme

The State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology, established in 2009 by PolyU with the approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology, was featured on RTHK TV programme. Please visit this link to view RTHK’s TV Programme ‘IT New Era’ (Copyright owned by RTHK) Ir Prof. Benny C. F. Cheung, Director of the Laboratory, introduced that ultra-precision machining is a technology which harnesses processing techniques like cutting and polishing in the vicinity of 1μm, 1/100 of a diameter of a human hair, to alter an object’s surface so as to equip it with new functions. The technology can be applied to multiple areas, such as optical and biomedical fields, to develop lenses with myopia management or autostereoscopy functions, and scalpels that produce sharper and smaller incisions. Led by Prof. Cheung, the research team has been conducting a series of research projects on bionic structured surfaces to develop enhanced lenses and 3D cameras.

12 Apr, 2022

Staff Achievement

20220325-Website  RIAM partners with Allite on alloy RD

RIAM partners with Allite on alloy R&D 先進製造研究院與鼎泰國際開展ALLITE超級鎂合金研究項目

PolyU and Allite International Limited established partnership of R&D works in a number of research projects to further explore the application horizon of Allite Super Magnesium (ASM) Alloy. This initiative aims to uncover advanced magnesium-based materials development for net shape manufacturing. This collaborative effort will also deliver differentiating R&D in the e-transportation space such as electric vehicles and e-bikes. Ir Prof. H. C. Man, Director of Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Dean of Faculty of Engineering, said the partnership would leverage the University’s unique strengths in R&D activities, bridging the gap between research and businesses while accelerating PolyU’s innovation efforts with magnesium alloys and processing techniques. 香港理工大學 (理大)與鼎泰國際有限公司 (鼎泰)開展研發項目計劃,旨在發掘及進一步探索 ALLITE ®超級鎂™ (ASM) 合金的近淨成形應用範圍。此計劃亦會擴展至電動運輸領域的研發範疇,如電動載運工具、電能驅動單車及其他相關產品。 理大先進製造研究院院長暨工程學院院長文効忠教授期望此合作計劃能連結研究及業界,充分發揮理大領先的科研優勢,為理大相關的新型鎂基合金用於先進製造研究和加工技術創造突破。 [From PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research Website]   Online media coverage Asiaone (English only) A-Performers (English only) ETNet (Chinese only) TechNow (Chinese only) HKET (Chinese only)

25 Mar, 2022

Staff Achievement


Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

The ISE Department is pleased to present the “Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2022” to two distinguished graduates in recognition of their Scholarly Achievement and Community Service Achievement as well as significant contributions to the Department, PolyU and the community. Their remarkable achievements and valuable contributions have earned them the well-deserved honour. Congratulations to the following awardees! Outstanding Alumni Award in Scholarly Achievement of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 理大工業及系統工程學系傑出校友學術成就獎 Prof. Boby Kong Full Professor, Director, Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Ultra-Precision Optical Manufacturing, Fudan University Doctor of Philosophy, 2010 Outstanding Young Alumni Award in Community Service Achievement of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 理大工業及系統工程學系傑出青年校友社會服務成就獎 Ms Vincy Wong Professional Trilingual Host Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering and E-Business, 2008   For more details about the awardees, please visit here.

3 Mar, 2022

Student Achievement

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ISE graduates won the 1st runner up, 2nd runner up, and Merit Award in the Industrial System Engineering Management Innovation Project Competition 2021

Mr. KWOK Ching Ping, Mr. LEONG Sze Chit, and Miss CHAN Hoi Size received the 1st Runner Up Award in the “Industrial and Systems Engineering Management Innovation Project Competition 2021”, a competition organized by the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers – Hong Kong. They won the award with their project titled “Virtual Interior Design with AR”, which was supervised by Dr YM Tang. Miss LI Wen Jun (Fiona), a graduate of the BSc (Hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management programme, received the 2nd Runner Up Award in the above competition. Fiona won the award with her final year project titled “An Intelligent Supply Chain Performance Measurement System based on SCOR model, Circular Economy, and E-Business Effectiveness”, which was supervised by Dr Carman Lee and Dr Paul Tsang. In the above project, the supply chain performance measurement is further enriched by incorporating the elements of the circular economy and e-business capabilities into the state-of-the-art SCOR model. With the use of the Mamdani-type fuzzy inference system, the supply chain performance of a company can be evaluated so as to identify major supply chain weaknesses for further improvements. Miss WONG Sze Wing, Mr. Luk Kwok To, Mr. Yeh Mau Wong, students from the BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management programme also received the Merit Award in this competition, with the project titled “A Multi-Group Analysis of Consumer-based Brand Equity Model and Customer Loyalty between Traditional and Electronic Loyalty Program”, which was supervised by Dr Carman Lee. Congratulations again to the winners and we are very proud of our students for the excellent project work and performance.

11 Jan, 2022

Student Achievement

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