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Dr. Xu Min is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She received bachelor degrees in Hydraulic Engineering and Economics (double degree) from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. degree in Transportation Engineering from National University of Singapore, Singapore. Dr. Xu’s research interests include emerging urban transport and logistics solustion, shared mobility, transportation network modeling, and travel behavior modeling. Her work has been published in the major journals in the field such as Transportation Research Part B: Methodological and Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Dr. Xu serves on the editoral board of Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies and Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. She has worked on the research projects funded by Hong Kong Research Grants Council and National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Li, T., Cao, Y., Xu, M., Sun, H., 2023. Optimal signal sign and setting in the transportation network with mixed human-driven vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part E, 175, 103173.
Xiao, H.H., Xu, M., Wang, S.A., 2023. A game-theoretic model for crowd-shipping operations: Strategies for market expansion and profit improvement. International Journal of Production Economics, 262, 108914.
Wang, L., Xu, M., Qin, H., 2023. Joint optimization of parcel allocation and crowd routing for crowdsourced last-mile delivery. Transportation Research Part B, 171, 111-135.
Yan, X., Xu, M., Xie, C., 2023. Local container drayage problem with improved truck platooning operations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 169, 102992.
Li, T., Xu, M., Sun, H., Xiong, J., Dou, X., 2023. Stochastic ridesharing equilibrium problem with compensation optimization. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 170, 102999.
Zheng, Y., Xu, M., Wu, S.N., Wang, S.A., 2023. Development of connected and automated vehicle platoons with combined spacing policy. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(1), 596-614. doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3216618.
Xu, M., Yan, X.Y., Yin, Y.F., 2022. Truck routing and platooning optimization considering drivers’ mandatory breaks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 143, 103809.
Li, J.L., Xu, M., Sun, P., 2022. Two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem with grouping constraints and simultaneous pickup and delivery. Transportation Research Part B, 162, 261291.
Ouyang, X., Xu, M., Zhou, B., 2022. An elastic demand model for locating electric vehicle charging stations. Networks & Spatial Economics.
Ouyang, X., Xu, M., 2022. Promoting green transportation under the Belt and Road Initiative: Locating charging stations considering electric vehicle users’ travel behaviour. Transport Policy, 116, 56-80.
Zhao, Z.H., Xu, M., Lee, C.K.M., 2021. Capacity planning for an electric vehicle charging station considering fuzzy quality of service and multiple charging options. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 12529-12541.
Yan, B.C., Xu, M., 2021. Container flow template planning in seaport railway terminal with on-dock rails. Maritime Policy & Management, 1-24.
Xu, M., Wu, T., Tan, Z.J., 2021. Electric vehicle fleet size for carsharing services considering on-demand charging strategy and battery degradation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 127, 103146.
Wang, Y., Peng, S.G., Xu, M., 2021. Emergency logistics network design based on space-time resource configuration. Knowledge-Based Systems, 223, 107041.
Xu, M., Meng, Q., 2020. Optimal deployment of charging stations considering path deviation and nonlinear elastic demand. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 135, 120-142.
Ma, J., Xu, M., Meng, Q., Cheng, L., 2020. Ridesharing user equilibrium problem under OD-based surge pricing strategy. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 134, 1-24.
Tan, Z., Xu, M., Meng, Q., Li, Z., 2020. Evacuating the metro passengers with urban bus system under uncertain disruption recovery time and heterogeneous risk-taking behavior. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 119, 102761.
Xu, M., Yang, H., Wang, S.A., 2020. Mitigate the range anxiety: Siting battery charging stations for electric vehicle drivers. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,114, 164-188.
Xu, M., Meng, Q., 2019. Fleet sizing for one-way electric carsharing services considering dynamic vehicle relocation and nonlinear charging profile. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 128, 23-49.
Xu, M., Meng Q., Liu, Z., 2018. Electric vehicle fleet size and trip pricing for one-way carsharing services considering vehicle relocation and personnel assignment. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological,111, 60-82.
Xu, M., Meng, Q., Liu, K., Yamamoto, T., 2017. Joint charging mode and location choice model for battery electric vehicle users.Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 103, 68-86.
Xu, M., Meng, Q., Liu, K., 2017. Network user equilibrium problems for the mixed battery electric vehicles and gasoline vehicles subject to battery swapping stations and road grade constraints.Transportation Research Part B: Methodological,99, 138-166.
Zhou, B., Xu, M., Meng, Q., Huang, Z., 2017. A day-to-day route flow evolution process towards the mixed equilibria.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,82, 210-228.
Xu, M., Meng, Q., Huang, Z., 2016. Global convergence of the trial-and-error method for the traffic-restraint congestion-pricing scheme with day-to-day flow dynamics. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 69, pp. 276-290.
Wong, W.F., Huang, J.Y., Xu, M., 2022. Exploration of public’s willingness to participate the crowd-sourcing logistics: case study of Hong Kong. Proceedings of the 22nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. July 2022.
Li, T.T., Peng, S.G., Xu, M., 2022. Impact analysis of COVID-19 on travel behavior and mode preferences of Hong Kong residents. Proceedings of the 22nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. July 2022.
Yan, X.Y., Wu, T., Xu, M., 2022. Truck routing and platooning problem considering time-varying traffic conditions. Proceedings of the 22nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. July 2022. (Best Paper Award)
Wu, T., Xu, M., 2022. Dynamic vehicle relocation and charging problem in electric and shared systems under demand uncertainty. Proceedings of the 101th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board. Jan 2022.
Peng, S.G., Xu, M., 2022. Personnel scheduling for vehicle restoration problem in one-way electric carsharing services. Proceedings of the 101th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board. Jan 2022.
Yan, X.Y., Xu, M., 2021. Truck routing and platooning optimization considering state-and position-dependent fuel reduction and practical constraints. Proceedings of the 101th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board. Jan 2022.
Ahmed, S., Xu, M., Huen, T.C., 2021. From the users’ and the operators’ perceptions: the potential of carsharing in Hong Kong. Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering, Chengdu, China. Dec 2021.
Wu, T., Xu, M., 2021. Real-time vehicle relocation and staff rebalancing in one-way electric carsharing systems considering demand uncertainty and nonlinear charging profile. Presentation at The 4th International Symposium on Multimodal Transportation, Nanjing, China. Dec 2021.
Ouyang, X., Xu, M., Wu, T., 2021. Vehicle routing for shared autonomous electric vehicles considering passengers’ uncertain waiting time tolerance and acceptable stopover. Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board. Jan 2021.
Man, J., Xu, M., Ahmend, S., 2021. Drivers and effects of merger and acquisitions in the airline industry: a case study of Hong Kong. Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board. Jan 2021.
Wu, T., Xu, M., Ouyang, X., Yuen Y.P., 2021. Empirical evidence from china: what contributes to airline customers’ positive behavioral intentions? The 2nd International Conference on Robotics Systems and Vehicle Technology, New York, U.S. Dec 2020.
Xu, M., 2019. Optimal location of battery charging stations considering drivers’ range anxiety and path deviation. The 3rd International Symposium on Multimodal Transportation, Singapore. Dec 2019.
Kang L., Xu, M., Meng Q., 2019. Impact analysis of excess waiting time on performance payments of bus services. Proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, U.S. Jan 2019.
Xu, M., Meng Q., Kang L., 2018. Bus operating time estimation at bus bays. Proceedings of the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, U.S. Jan 2018.
Xu, M., Meng, Q., Liu, Y., 2017. Public’s perception of adopting electric vehicles: a case study of singapore. 12th EASTS International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Sept 2017.
Xu, M., Meng, Q., 2017. Modelling and optimization for one-way carsharing service. Commonwealth Science Conference 2017, Singapore. June 2017.
Chen, S., Xu, M., Meng, Q., 2017.A public transit driver scheduling problem with practical meal time windows (No. 17-02244). Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, U.S. Jan 2017.
Zhou, B., Xu, M., Meng, Q., Huang, Z., 2017.A discrete day-to-day route flow dynamic model for the mixed equilibrium behavior (No. 17-02258). Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, U.S. Jan 2017.
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