Brief Biosketch
Dr. Ming LI is currently Assistant Professor at Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to joining ISE, Dr. LI was a Lecturer at School of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Jinan University and Post-Doctoral Fellow at the HKU-ZIRI Laboratory for Physical Internet (pi-Lab), The University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD degree and master’s degree (Distinction) from Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, in 2018 and 2013 respectively. He also obtained dual Bachelor degrees in Computer Science (major) and Finance (minor) at South China University of Technology in 2012. He has conducted research projects in the field of Industrial Blockchain and Digital Twin for Smart Manufacturing and Logistics with substantial government and industrial grants. He has published a series of papers on leading international journals including IJPE, IJPR, RCIM, CAIE, and etc. He has also obtained dozens of patents and copyrights. He is the Core Member of the 2019 Guangdong Special Support Talent Program – Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leading Team.
Research Interests
- Industrial Blockchain
- Digital Twin/Cyber-Physical System
- Smart Manufacturing
Selected Journal Publications
- Li, M., Li, M. *, Ding, H., Ling, S., & Huang, G. Q. (2022). Graduation-inspired synchronization for industry 4.0 planning, scheduling, and execution. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 64, 94-106.
- Li, M., Shao, S. *, Li, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, N., & He, Y. (2022). A Physical Internet (PI) based inland container transportation problem with selective non-containerized shipping requests. International Journal of Production Economics, 245, 108403.
- Li, M., Fu, Y. *, Chen, Q., Qu T. (2021). Blockchain-enabled digital twin collaboration platform for heterogeneous socialized manufacturing resource management. International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2021.1966118
- Li, M., Li, Z. *, Huang, X., & Qu, T. (2021). Blockchain-based digital twin sharing platform for reconfigurable socialized manufacturing resource integration. International Journal of Production Economics, 240, 108223.
- Fu, Y., & Li, M. * (2022). DEA cross‐efficiency aggregation based on preference structure and acceptability analysis. International Transactions in Operational Research, 29, 987-1011.
- Li, M., Shao, S.*, Ye, Q., Xu, G., & Huang, G. Q. (2020). Blockchain-enabled logistics finance execution platform for capital-constrained E-commerce retail. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 65, 101962.
- Fu, Y., Li, M.*, Luo, H.*, & Huang, G. Q. (2019). Industrial robot selection using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis for group decision making. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 122, 103304.
- Li, M., Xu, G.*, Lin, P., & Huang, G. Q. (2019). Cloud-based mobile gateway operation system for industrial wearables. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 58, 43-54.
- Li, M., Shen, L., & Huang, G. Q.* (2019). Blockchain-enabled workflow operating system for logistics resources sharing in E-commerce logistics real estate service. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 135, 950-969.
- Li, M., Lin, P., Xu, G., & Huang, G. Q.* (2018). Cloud-based ubiquitous object sharing platform for heterogeneous logistics system integration. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 38, 343-356.
Committees/Professional Services
- Guest Editor of Special Issue on “Data Analytics and Blockchain in Transport Systems”, Sustainability, 2021-2022 (SSCI/SCI, IF=3.251)
- Organizing Committee of The Annual International Conference for Chinese Scholars in Industrial Engineering (CSIE2020) and the 11th Forum for the Council of Chinese Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Department Heads (CIEDH2019), 2020, Zhuhai, China.
- Organizing Committee of The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Marine Logistics Development Summit Forum, 2020, Zhuhai, China.
- Organizing Committee of The 11th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product Service Systems (CIRP IPS2 2019), 2019, Zhuhai, China.
- Organizing Committee of The 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS2018), 2018, Hong Kong.
- Organizing Committee of The Annual International Conference for Chinese Scholars in Industrial Engineering (CSIE2016) and the 7th Forum for the Council of Chinese Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Department Heads (CIEDH2016), 2016, Hong Kong.
- Session Chair of Special Session “Smart Buildings and Community”, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Session Co-Chair of Special Session “PSS Value Network Innovation and Operations Management A”, 11th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product Service Systems (CIRP IPS2 2019), Zhuhai, China.