To enhance student experience in using eStudent and related systems, a number of advancements have been made to eStudent.
1. "Subject Search" had been improved to enrich user experience in locating subjects and understanding subject content.
- Automatically assign current academic year/ semester in search criteria
- Improve dependency checking among input fields and reduce unnecessary reset action when switching between search criteria (e.g., "Offering Department" field remains unchanged when "Category” field is changed)
- Re-arrange input field sequence to make search criteria more user-friendly
- Retain search criteria input within the same browser session, so as to reduce re-input when switching functions on eStudent platform
- Adjust the searching field order in search criteria and the column listing sequence of search results to be aligned
- Display timetable details in “Subject Details” page automatically (you don’t have to click "View" to see timetable anymore)
2. Website linking had been modified to ease navigation to other PolyU systems and services.
- Add hyperlink to CBSE (Web based “Classroom Booking Status Enquiry System”)
- Add hyperlink to PolyU Zoom
- Add hyperlink to POSS (PolyU Online Student Services, SAO)
- Rephrase "LEARN@PolyU (理學網) (Blackboard)" for easy identification
3. In addition to above feature improvement, there are enhancements of below eStudent functions.
- Easy printing - students can adjust "Grid View" timetable to print timetable within one page when browsing “Class Timetable”
- Easy browsing - students can click direct link to programme information under “Enrolment Information” session when examining “Study Information”