Materials and Corrosion 材料与腐蚀
- conduct corrosion tests and corrosion monitoring in exposure stations 在暴露试验站进行腐蚀试验和监测
- study the corrosion mechanism of steel in the marine environment 研究钢材在海洋环境中的腐蚀机制
- investigate the combined effects of loads and corrosion 研究荷载和腐蚀的耦合作用
- develop realistic material corrosion models based on the test and long-term monitoring data 基于试验和长期监测数据,发展真实环境下的材料腐蚀模型
- study performance degradation of marine infrastructure 研究海洋基础设施的性能退化
- develop the corrosion-resistant FRP material to be used in marine infrastructure 开发用于海洋基础设施的防腐蚀FRP复合材料

Hydrodynamics and Wind 水动力学与风
- conduct marine hydrology monitoring in the marine dynamic observation station 在海洋动力观测站进行海洋水文学监测
- carry out experimental tests of floating structures and offshore wind turbines 进行浮体结构和海上风力发电机的试验研究
- develop wave, current and tidal models 开发波浪、海流和潮汐模型
- develop typhoon load models for marine infrastructure 开发海洋基础设施开风荷载模型

Sensing and Inspection 传感与检测
- develop fully autonomous UAV inspection systems for marine infrastructure 开发用于海洋基础设施的完全自主式无人机检测系统
- develop multi-channel vehicle-based ground penetration radar systems guided by global navigation satellite system and mobile mapping system for defect inspection of bridge decks 开发由全球导航卫星系统和移动地图系统引导的多信道车辆地面穿透雷达系统,检测桥梁缺陷
- develop distributed fibre sensors for temperature, strain and vibration measurement for marine infrastructure 开发用于海洋基础设施温度、应变和振动监测的分布式光纤传感器

Safety and Assessment 安全与评估
- develop advanced AI and big data analytics techniques to process vast amounts of monitoring data of SHM systems 开发先进的人工智能和大数据分析技术,处理健康监测系统生成的大量实时数据
- develop multi-level condition assessment methods for marine infrastructure based on field monitoring data and numerical simulation 基于现场监测数据和数值仿真,开发海洋设施的多层次状态评估方法

Control and Management 控制与管理
- develop emerging vibration control strategies to mitigate the vibration of marine infrastructure under extreme wave and wind loadings 开发新兴的振动控制策略,减小海洋基础设施在极端波浪和风力负载下的振动
- develop next-generation structural vibration control strategies, i.e. energy-neutral semiactive/active vibration control technology through the integration of vibration-based energy harvesting with structural control strategy 开发下一代结构振动控制策略,将基于振动的能量收集与结构控制策略相结合,实现能量中性的半主动/主动振动控制
- predict time-dependent reliability at the component level under different operational conditions and optimize the maintenance strategies to achieve the best performance of marine infrastructure at a minimum cost 预测海洋基础设施各构件在不同使用条件下随时间变化的可靠性,优化维养策略,以最低成本实现结构的最佳性能

Structures and Systems 结构与系统
- apply the developed technologies to sea-crossing bridges, floating structures (e.g., floating parks and floating farms), and offshore wind turbines将开发的技术应用于跨海大桥、浮体结构(例如浮动公园和浮动农场)以及海上风力发电机