WEDO GLOBAL (Worldwide Exchange Development Organization) specializes in youth development and training by providing exchange service in Southeast Asia. Through an innovative approach, multi-cultural leaders are nurtured by bringing youth together to discuss global issues and experience volunteering, study tour and foreign lifestyles. WEDO GLOBAL staffs are accredited tour escorts who can deliver high quality exchange programmes with thoughtful logistic and catering arrangements. In addition, workshops on cultural preparation and skills building as well as personal consultation are provided to support the participants. Currently focusing on Sri Lanka, with the support of YMCA network, Sri Lankan Airline, local nongovernment organisations, local universities and MaD (Make A Difference), WEDO GLOBAL is committed to lead a change in the world.
Team Members
- NG Chung Lun, Bosco (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering & Department of Management and Marketing)
- CHAN Ho Sing, Ernest (Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics)
- WONG Ching Hung, Eva (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
- HUEN Shuk Yee, Evita (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Programme Joined
- PolyVentures Micro Fund Scheme 2012
- The Hong Kong Youth Service Award 2017
- Business for Impact Grant 2015, DBS Foundation
- Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge 2013 - The Most Popular Project