Portable Precise 3D Scanning System

Major Functions / Key Features
Portable Precise 3D Scanning System is a portable metrology grade 3D scanner, which can capture 3D measurement of physical objects
1. Creaform HandyPROBE:
- A portable, arm-free 3D measurement device
- Achieve an accuracy, within 7.8m3 of 0.085 mm
- Can measure 3D geometry through a contact-based method
2. Creaform MaxSHOT 3D:
- A portable photogrammetry system
- Determine the coordinates of large objects using reference targets
- Provide a volumetric accuracy of up to 0.025 mm
3. PowerINSPECT:
- Post-processing software for analyzing 3D data and generating inspection reports
Booking is required. Online booking can be made via IC webpage at https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ic/research-and-project-support/list-of-facilities/
NoOther Information
Manufacturer: -
Model: VXtrack Dynamic Tracking Module & Creaform HandySCAN 3D
Category: Geometrical Measurement and Metrology
Owned by: Industrial Centre
Mr Kong Kang Hoi
Industrial Centre
- 27667601
- kang.hoi.kong@polyu.edu.hk
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