How to work effectively in a group project?

Working in a Group
Self-evaluation: How well have we done?
Group-work Skills

Be honest to yourself and circle the number that best reflects how well you have done.

Working as a Group

1. We tried to include members with different expertise in the group instead of getting together with friends.

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2. Ground rules were discussed and agreed by all members.

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3. Group members tried to maintain good group culture by applying the ground rules.

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4. We tried hard to clarify the goals of our group for doing the project.

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5. Responsibilities allocated to members were fair in terms of workload.

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6. Our group fully utilized the members' differences, strengths, and competence.

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7. Communication among group members was open and non-defensive.

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8. Group members respected different opinions and tried hard to handle disagreements reasonably.

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9. Decision making was based on the common interest of our group.

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10. Task leaders and members were able to fulfill their roles and work together productively.

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11. Our group reviewed how well we were working as a team from time to time.

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Working as a Member in the Group

12. I always felt myself to be part of the group.

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13. I fully understood the project goals and was committed to achieving them.

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14. I was clear about what I was expected to do in the group.

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15. I was cooperative in following the ground rules.

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16. I was able to communicate my ideas clearly to other group members.

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17. I felt I was accepted by the group members.

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18. I could accept others' opinions and personalities.

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19. I respected the group decisions and tried my best to carry them out.

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20. I was able to take up the responsibility as a leader in my own area of responsibility.

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