How to work effectively in a group project?

  Have you any unpleasant experiences doing group projects? Still scared of them? Don't panic. Click to see some quick tips in this section. The first part will tell you something on good communication and being a leader is no more a nightmare but an opportunity. The second part focuses on planning and doing a project and its presentation, which will be invaluable as you work through your project. For more details, go to the sections, 'Group Skills', 'Project Skills' and 'Presentation Skills'.  
Frequently Asked Questions:
Group work
1. Team Building
  Can't we do something to stop members from not performing their responsibilities in the group?
2. Communication
  How could we make him/her turn in work on time without messing up the whole situation?
3. Decision Making
  How can we do a better job in making an effective decision so that we won't go on and on without any fruitful conclusion?
4. Interpersonal Conflict
  How can I work with someone who always insists on his/her opinions?
5. Leadership
  How can we learn better in group work so that we won't just divide up the work without knowing about what others are doing?
Project Work
6. Planning a Project
  How do we handle a group project that seems completely unfamiliar to us?
7. Doing a Project
  What can be done when we are behind the schedule?
8. Presentation
  How can we handle questions raised by the audience during our presentation?