Special Bureau for Hydrology

Data Products
(Updated: June 10, 2022)
Global Mass Change Fields (0.5x0.5 deg grids) from GRACE and GRACE-FO (CSR RL 06)
Time Span: Apr. 2002 - Dec. 2021
Sampling Rate: Monthly, 204 Solutions
0.5 x 0.5 Degree Grids
Decorrelation + 300 km Gaussian Smoothing
Truncation at degree 60
C20 & C30 are replaced by SLR solutions (GRACE/GFO TN-14).
Geocenter variations are included. (GRACE/GFO TN-13).
Global Mass Change Fields (1x1 deg grids) from GRACE and GRACE-FO (CSR RL 06)
Time Span: Apr. 2002 - Dec. 2021
Sampling Rate: Monthly, 204 Solutions
1 x 1 Degree Grids
Decorrelation + 300 km Gaussian Smoothing
Truncation at degree 60
C20 & C30 are replaced by SLR solutions (GRACE/GFO TN-14).
Geocenter variations are included. (GRACE/GFO TN-13).
Global Mass Change Fields From GRACE (CSR Release 05)
Time Span: Apr. 2002 - Jun. 2017
Sampling Rate: Monthly, 163 Solutions
Grid: 1 x 1 Degree Grid
Decorrelation + 500 or 300 km Gaussian Smoothing
Truncation at degree 60
SLR C20, seasonal geocenter (Swenson et al., 2008), and mean pole (Wahr et al., 2015) corrections are included.
Global Mass Change From GRACE (Release 04)
Time Span: Apr. 2002 - Sept. 2011
Sampling Rate: Monthly, 109 Solutions
CSR RL04 (GSM only, GAC not restored)
Grid: 1 x 1 Degree Grid
Decorrelation + 500 km Gaussian Smoothing
Truncation at degree 60
Global Mass Change From GRACE (Release 01)
Time Span: Apr/May 2002 - Jul 2004
Sampling Rate: Monthly, 22 Solutions
CSR RL01 Unconstrained
Grid: 1 x 1 Degree Grid
Gaussian Smoothing: 600, 800, 1000 km
Truncation at degree 60, No C20
Gravity Spherical Harmonics from GLDAS Noah (v1) Monthly Water Storage Change
Time Span: Jan. 2002 - Mar. 2020
Sampling Rate: Monthly
Fully Normalized up to Degree and Order 100
Gravity Spherical Harmonics from GLDAS Noah (v21) Monthly Water Storage Change
Time Span: Jan. 2002 - Nov. 2020
Sampling Rate: Monthly
Fully Normalized up to Degree and Order 100